FITS files revision logbookΒΆ






Every second WOFFSET in bias files wrong since 21st Jan 2023. Changed in fits files on stella-ext.



A handful of flats and a single calib has wrong XORGIN_. Marked as failures=65535

Due to unknown reasons, every second bias file has a wrong WOFFSET in its main header. Instead of [819,0] it read [819,2336]. This may be linked to another behaviour seen around the same date, which rendered every second image as a blank.

Affects flat20230208B-0262, flat20230208B-0316, flat20230214B-0018, flat20230309B-0044, flat20230324B-0237, calib20230326B-0001, flat20230330B-0127, flat20230415B-0253, flat20230428B-0282, flat20230502B-0052 and flat20230512B-0054. On reopening of the camera just prior to recording of these images, either setting of the window or setting of the binning was not answered with OK, though the read-out window and binning are obviously correctly set (also the immediate query after the set operation returned a correct size).