STELLA Troubleshooting¶
Most problems can be noticed and solved using just one terminal on archive. Use the following command (NOTE: will change in the near future)
to get an overview. For seeing all logfiles at the same time each in it’s own window
There is another possibility to get up a GUI and have some control on the light and webcam inside the building: Start with java stella.jview.JOffLimit ‘’’wait some time’’’ There are two, wrongly-labeled buttons STELLA and WIFSIP. (STELLA shows STELLA-1, but everything else in the left part refers to SES). Pressing one of these button updates the webcam composite image of the telescope. Turn on the light with the button to the left of STELLA, if Lights off. Again, wait some time for the button to get active. Otherwise, you see green buttons, yellow and sometimes red ones, that tell you about some conditions that are out of specks.
Is the MasterMind doing fine? type m1tail on archive or m2tail on wifsip and watch the output for a bit. Either the last line is ‘no new targets after…’ or ‘resetting exposure time..’ Is the telescope server fine? Type t1tail or t2tail and look for unusual messages.
Thing to watch out for, most probable problems:
Is the master-mind running? It stops after a fatal error.
Telescope hangs: use vnc or x-via-ssh to manually reset the errors. Note that Pilar is by default running without gui. You need to restart Pilar without the no-gui option. Use the startup-script in ~/bin to start it with the correct options again. You need to restart the telescope server afterwards!
There is also a command line option doing similar things:
TA (aliased to java stella.telescope.TelescopeAccess) -m
(put telescope in manual mode, only then the following commands are allowed)
TA -err (get list of errors currently on)
TA -clear (clears all non-fatal errors. Fatal errors are cleared
only on the first try (or after 1-24 hours).
Check the log file, if successful).
TA -wipe (wipes out the history of errors, meaning that now a TA
-clear will try to clear a fatal condition ''once''.)
TA -a (put the telescope back into automatic control)
Other things possible in manual mode (do a TA without anything to get a list):
TA -init (initialize the telescope, if not on)
TA -park (Parks the telescope - power off)
TA -azalt (moves the telescope to a position.
Good thing to check after a wipe/clear of fatal errors)
Filter wheel is stuck: reset the power to the ag-unit, restart the java-guider-server, and then restart the MasterMind. This error does usually not occur any more.
Pilar hangs, or closed port, or crashed: restart pilar (kill and then ~/bin/ You need to restart the telescope server afterwards!
CCD controller hangs: reset the ccd controller, possibly also either restart the ses-server on the ses computer or reboot the ses computer
What where¶
All computers involved run a rmiregistry server to handle communications.
archive (¶
This hosts the main STELLA SQL database. It also operates the ‘’’second’’’ telescope, STELLA-2 (the one in the East part of the building, no M2/M3). All startup-scripts have a ‘’2’’ in it (stella-telescope2-start, stella-auxiliary2-start, stella-adapter2-start), if not unambiguous.
SesMaster (the CCD camera server): connects to ses
CalibrationMaster (the Calibration & AG-unit control server)
AdapterMaster (the guider server): connects to ‘’firecam server’’ and to focus unit (later also ADC)
AuxiliaryMaster (the auxiliary telescope): connects to TFs guider.
MasterMind (the robotic control system)
TelescopeMaster (connection to Pilar2)
Pilar (the telescope high level control software): connects to the STELLA-II rack
Note that the MasterMind should not be started before the other programs are running ‘’’and in automatic mode’’’. Recommended startup-procedure: pilar - telescope,ses,calibration - auxiliary,master
The logfiles are in /var/log/stella/: ses.log, adapter2.log, auxiliary2.log, telescope2.log, master2.log, calibration.log
wifsip (¶
AuxiliaryMaster (the guider server): connects to guider1
WifsipMaster (connects to the 4k CCD and filter wheel)
MasterMind (the robotic control system)
TelescopeMaster (connects to Pilar1).
Pilar (the telescope high level control software): connects to the STELLA-I rack
Note that the MasterMind should not be started before the other programs are running ‘’’and in automatic mode’’’. Recommended startup-procedure: pilar - telescope - auxiliary,wifsip.
The logfiles are in /var/log/stella/: auxiliary.log, master1.log
Power cycle the telescope cabinet¶
Using the MOXA modules that also switch the ThAr and Quartz lamps, a reboot of either telescope rack can be achieved:
cd stella/environment/properties
java\$Turn rack[12].switch modbus_io5.driver true
in archive:stella/environment/properties to switch the cabinet for STELLA-1 (rack1.switch) or STELLA-2 (rack2.switch) off (true). Issue again with false to turn it on. Note that the logic is Normally-Closed, so true turns the power off.
Reboot the telescope rack computer¶
From the archive or wifsip computer (the one running pilar) log into the rack computer (TCC):
telnet (user root)
If you need to hard reset the computer rack for the telescope STELLA-1 or -2, you need to access the moxa-io module of the calibration unit: ports0-3 are for lamps, port4 is STELLA-1, port5 is STELLA-2. Sometimes it is necessary to wait 20 minutes or so for the UPS inside the rack to run out of power. A combination of the two beforementioned methods should circumvent this (unless you can’t log into the computer because it really hangs).
Reboot the AG unit, reset calibration unit, shutter, Asiva, ccd controller¶
This can be done by accessing the PDU3 unit.
IPMI errors¶
If possible, log in to archive or sky via VNC. Then use firefox and open a console. Use the ADMIN account, IPs are,142,144 for archive, wifsip, sky.
Reboot a computer¶
All computers in the rack are controlled via two APC Power Distribution units: PDU1 (archive, wifsip,sky) and PDU2(fire, becky, ccd/ses)
Temperature control in spectrograph room and table¶
This can be accessed via the serial server.
SSH Connections drop off after some time¶
Add/Edit file ~/.ssh/config with content:
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 45
This keeps the connection alive even when there is no traffic on the line.
The TCS of STELLA and RoboTel is called Pilar and distributed and maintained by Tau-Tec, currently responsible is Michael Ruder (, also known e-mails are,
The most likely source of error is a malfunction reported by the Schaltschrank-Rechner and directly piped to Pilar. Pilar does nothing about it then report it (if questioned) and stop telescope function. In non-GUI mode, query the Pilar errors from the TelescopeMaster using TA -err, in GUI mode navigate to the engineering panel. Non-severe errors might be cleared in normal mode with TA -clear (also possible in GUI mode, engineers panel again). Sometimes this suffices to bring the system back to live. More severe errors might only be cleared either once or only if not in too quick succession (normal mode), this is reported in the telescope master’s log file. The default behavior is take the severity flag from Pilar and to decide on that, if clearing is allowed. As this is a learning-by-doing process, errors that are labeled severe in Pilar, but are found to be easily recoverable, like the ErrBrakeClosedFromOther, might be put for overruling by:
Create an error¶
java in stella/net/tpl that is named according to the error as it is reported: from ERR_Brake_ClosedFromOther (case ignored, underscore erased, but follwed by capital letter). Extend the TsiError and override the ‘’getResetLag’’ (time out for subsequent resetting), ‘’getResetMax’’ (maximum time this error might be reset in the master’s life time) ‘’getAccumulateCount’’ (the maximum count this error might be accumulated and still reset within ‘’getAccumulateSpan’’). Follow the examples there, compile it and put it on the system in java/stella/net/tpl. Next time the error occurs it will be look-upo at run-time.
A remark to the ambiguous named ERR_Brake_ClosedFromOther error¶
It is reported as a severe error but is in fact a subsequent error to an other error and thus not severe at all. This error means that the axis it is reported on, e.g. azimuth has been emergency-stopped by a failure in the other axis (Elevation in the example). This other error might be of severe level, though.
A list of all possible ETEL errors is found in the documentation. Do not always trust the names to be useful. Also note that the severity label assigned to errors is also not fool-proof, as we had an oil-spill once due to a info(!) of oil-level too low.
Signaled if one of the peripheral masters (Telescope, Adapter, Auxiliary, Ses, Wifsip, Calibration) did not immediately respond to a command sent.
This is normally an indication that the corresponding master was left in ‘’’manual mode’’’. Fix with -a (TelescopeAccess, WifsipAccess, SesAccess, AdapterAccess, AuxiliaryAccess, CalibartionAccess), restart MasterMind.
Other possibilities are severe crashes in the periphery. Check if master is running, check also log file. Try to restart the peripheral master with the appropriate start script in ~/bin.
Sent if more stars are seen than stated in the target input file. Other then too little stars, this can only happen if the input file does not reflect the on-sky reality. Check target-xml file, FieldOfView section.
This error signals the most severe case that can happen: The roof cannot be closed. It never occurred so far, but if this is a true case and not just sent to a software bug ‘’’immediately contact somebody on site’’’.
Sent only in STELLA-1, where the focus is attained by moving M2. Directly related to the TCS software (Pilar). Can (thus ;-)) be a spurious error, go to manual mode -m, try to set a new focus, restart pilar once the telescope master has been killed (-q or kill). Try to restart pilar in GUI mode (cd Pilar1, java -jar Pilar.jar). If nothing helps, bring down a repair team.
Initialization of a peripheral service failed. Sometimes spurious. Check reason in log file, try to restart. If persistent, bring in repair crew.
Only possible in RoboTel, possibly the dome control ceased to exist. Log in to the Artila dome server ( as root, check if /disk/bin/portmap and /disk/bin/dome_server are running. If so, check if dome can be moved in manual mode. If not, have a look.
In various situations, it might happen that the TCS is not able to move the telescope. Most of the errors are spurious and the user does not even notice it. Only if moving the telescope fails for three times in a row, or produces a time-out this mail is sent. It still might go away if you go to manual mode, but it might mean a persistent error in the ETEL drive system. See also [[Pilar]]
An error reported by pilar. Occurred once, was not recoverable from remote (See engineers log). As always for pilar-related errors, you might want to check out [[Pilar]]
The bus/switch system used for controlling the roof or the motors failed. Never reported so far. See section on CannotCloseRoof, but this error is not as severe, except if opening failed in an intermediate phase, leaving the roof almost-open.
Pilar related error, if not curable according to [[Pilar]], try to close at least the mirror covers. Bring in repair crew.
No disk space left to write the science data
Normally reported, if temperature or pressure in the dewar went aloof. Might also indicate that a sensor is broken or somehow quit reposting.Only in the latter case, rebooting of the CCD-controller might help. Currently only implemented in Wifsip, see wifisp.master section
# We check for the right carrier temperature
enablewatch = 600000
ccdwatchminimum = TEMP_CCD,TEMP_LN2
watchminvalues = -100.,-120.
Sent if a peripheral master could not complete a command in time. For new commands, this might indicate that the time-out was simply set too low, but in an evolved system this points into some failure in the periphery. Check the log files and try to investigate the reason. This is a very general error, so no good guidance can be given on how to resort from it.
Only sent during startup or at first action of a master, means some of the configuration files are contradictory.
Should not happen unless the software in the peripheral server has a severe bug. contact T. Granzer
Similar to completion time out, this error signals that some command was not finished within the specific time-out to this command. Will always be preceded by a completion time out (see there).
Only sent during startup or at first action of a master, means some of the configuration files have been changed, leaving out essential knowledge required for the peripheral master.
Reported if the ThAr lamp has not been detected in the guider image taken as proof, or was considered too faint. Check the aux-file on pera to see. if there was truely now light, and also check the calibration frames. If the lamp went out, you have to active the [[ActivateSpareLamp]]
Communication to the CCD controller died. Happened quite frequently when the SES controller was not hooked up to the UPS.
Free some hard-disk space by deleting log files etc.
Means the the serial driver controlling the filter wheel controller (Phytron) has not reported back. Sometimes spurious, e.g. can be cured by re-initializing the master (or restarting it). If persistent, send in a repair crew.
Reported if the Halogen lamp has not been detected in the guider image taken as proof, or was considered too faint. Check the aux-file on pera to see, if there was truely now light, and also check the flatfield frames. If the lamp went out, you have to active the replacement lamp according to [[ActivateSpareLamp]]
The auxiliary or adapter CCD did not report. Check firewire camera and guider CCD server.
Means that the RS485 bus that controls the roof is out of order. Happened once after a EMP of a lightening struck in a close-by building, but never occurred thereafter, as copper wires had been replaced with optical ones.
A target xml file specified an unknown filter. Fix input file.
The target xml file specified a CCD read-out mode that is not supported. Fix input file.
Communication to Pilar through the pilar server port died, or could not be opened. Check if Pilar is running and also check telescope log file.
Somebody changed the configuration of a peripheral master in a way that it might not operate as intended. Closely linked to MissingParameter
The program reached a line of code where it should never end up. Notify the software engineer (in most cases T. Granzer).
Serial communication to the Faulhaber controller of the lamp compartment selector failed. Can only happen in the calibration master. Occurred only a few times (not as often as filter wheel errors) and could be cured by most of the times by restarting the calibration master. If this error is persistent, it could mean that the sledge slight moved beyond the Hall switch and is thus not able to reference. Try the following
Stop the calibration master (CA -m, CA- q)
In stella/calibration/properties/ locate the file calibunit.driver.
After setting the inithome=false property, query the status with
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib:/usr/lib/jni
stella.calibunit.CalibUnit\$Status calibunit.driver
The output should be something like:
Actual position (POS): -17820000
Current speed (GN): 0
Actual current (GRC): 80
Actual temperature (TEM): 21
Limit switches active (HS): 0
Bit mask actual status (GAST): 0110
Status bits (GST): 1001111
Fault status bits (GFS): 0000
Configuration bitmask (GSCS): 00000001
Enhanced status bits (GES): 00000
Homing status (GAHS): 15540
Present mode (GMOD): D
Upper position limit (GPL): 2000000000
Lower position limit (GNL): -2000000000
Maximum speed (GSP): 10000
Homing speed (GHOSP): -5000
Acceleration (GAC): 25
Limit on current (GCL): 10000
Step width (GSTW): 1
Number of steps/revol. (GSTN): 1000
Encoder resolution (GENCRES): 2048
In case of a power loss, the position might still show up as
negative, although it is in reality undefined.
A step in positive direction can help here:
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib:/usr/lib/jni
stella.calibunit.CalibUnit\$Relative calibunit.driver 10000
This command can also be issued with inithome left unchanged as it is forcefully set to skip ober the init procedure normally commenced at startup. If this seems to be fine (returns fast), query the status again, now with inithome=true. It might take 2-3 minutes for the homing to succeed, so watch the output.
ETEL controllers¶
Firmware Update¶
The recommended combination of firmware versions is:
1.15a (ETEL controller)
1.00a (Profibus Firmware)
Upload aller Parameter in ein File (aus dem Hauptbildschirm der ETT), Menüpunkt heißt Upload / Download -> Upload Registers to a File. Ich empfehle, alle Register komplett zu sichern (Checkbox all registers). Unter Umständen wird der Rest der Dialogbox erst bedienbar, wenn Sie oben eine Achse gewählt haben.
Backup der Regler-Firmware und der Parameter (aus dem Hauptbildschirm der ETT), Menüpunkt Tools -> Advanced -> Backup Drive (dies haben wir zusammen schon einmal erledigt). Akzeptieren Sie die Vorgaben des Wizards und vermeiden Sie die Advanced-Operationen. Stellen Sie als zu sichernde Bereiche Boot, Firmware und Parameter ein (es müßten dann beim Sichern entweder 11 oder 22 Blocks angezeigt werden, hier verläßt mich mein Gedächtnis im Moment).
Download der Regler-Firmware 1.15a (aus dem Hauptbildschirm der ETT heraus), Menüpunkt Tools -> Advanced -> Download Wizard. Akzeptieren Sie auch hier die Vorgaben des Assistenten und vermeiden Sie die Advanced-Operationen. Vergewissern Sie sich, daß Sie das richtige File gewählt haben - der Assistent fragt an einer Stelle sinngemäß nach: Donwload Firmware 1.15a? - daran sehen sie, daß soweit alles in Ordnung ist. Es werden dann 15 Blöcke in den Regler geladen.
Download der Profibus-Firmware 1.00a (wie bei Punkt 3). Vergewissern Sie sich auch hier, daß das richtige File gewählt ist, nehmen Sie ansonsten die Standardvorgaben und vermeiden Sie die Advanced-Operationen. Der Assistent fragt diesmal sinngemäß: Download blabla Pro Firmware 1.00a? - daran sehen Sie, daß soweit alles in Ordnung ist. Es werden dann 3 Blöcke in den Regler geladen.
Sie haben nun die Auswahl: Eigentlich dürfte sich trotz des FW-Updates keiner der K-Parameter geändert haben. Ich habe dies gestern zweimal überprüft, und es ist auch logisch, denn die Parameter werden in einem anderen Bereich gespeichert als die Firmware, und Etel stellt uns ja Firmware-Images zur Verfügung und nicht komplette Flash-Abbilder. Sie können sich also aussuchen, ob Sie die gesicherten Parameter trotzdem zurückspielen möchten oder nicht.
Falls Sie die Situation so stehen lassen wollen, sind Sie fertig und können testen; wir empfehlen jedoch eine der folgenden Alternativen:
Sichern Sie wie in Punkt 1) die Parameter in ein zweites Textfile. Überschreiben Sie dabei NICHT das in Punkt 1) erstellte File. Vergleichen Sie mittels eines diff-Tools die beiden Files. Wenn keine oder nur irrelevante Differenzen auftreten, sind Sie fertig und können testen. Anderenfalls sollten Sie Punkt 6b) ausführen.
Laden Sie die in Punkt 1) gesicherten Parameter in den Regler (aus dem Hauptbildschirm der ETT heraus), Menüpunkt Download / Upload -> Download registers from File. Klicken Sie in der Dialogbox ALLE verfügbaren Checkboxen an und spielen Sie alle verfügbaren Register ein. Eventuell wird der Rest der Dialogbox erst bedienbar, wenn Sie oben eine Achse gewählt haben. ACHTUNG: Beim Download-Vorgang erscheint zunächst eine Fortschrittsanzeige, die innerhalb weniger Sekunden auf 100% steht und danach keine Änderung mehr zeigt. Dies wirkt wie ein Absturz, ist aber keiner, denn nach spätestens zwei Minuten erscheint die nächste Fortschrittsanzeige. Geben Sie Ihrem System bei diesem Vorgang also Zeit!
Nach dem Ende dieses Vorgangs sollten Sie den Schrank komplett neu starten (mit dem schwarzen Drehschalter) und nach dem Hochlauf der Regler den Punkt (parameter) ausführen, um zu kontrollieren, daß die eingespielten Parameter wirklich aktiv sind. Sollte während all dieser Prozeduren eine Fehlermeldung erscheinen, daß eine Achse nicht verfügbar sei, dann schalten Sie den kompletten Schaltschrank aus (mit dem schwarzen Drehschalter) und beenden die Etel-Tools. Schalten Sie dann den Schrank wieder ein und warten Sie, bis die Regler hochgefahren sind. Starten Sie danach die ETT wieder und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang. Ich erwarte jedoch, daß die Sache absolut glatt durchläuft und daß Sie nicht einmal zwischen den oben geschilderten Schritten den Regler neu starten müssen - die Update-Routinen sorgen selbst dafür. Lediglich nach dem Einspielen der neuen Parameter ist ein Neustart angebracht, dann aber wieder ebenfalls per Hauptschalter.
Telescope control PCs¶
The IP address of the embedded PC in the telescope rack can be seen in the Pilar-config (./config/pilar.conf) file, as TCI.HOST and PORT. It usually (STELLA-1, RoboTel) is ( for STELLA-2).
To change configuration values, do the following:
Login the PC: telnet
mount -o remount,rw /
telnet 7230
now you are in a terminal mode: there is help available by pressing h
e.g. you can disable the derotator by setting ew_DeR_type to 0 (is 10 usually) - vw ew_DeR_type 0 (use vs to permanently save the setting)
after safing the parameters, do again mount -o remount,ro /
There is also a digital oszi available, attached an email excerpt describing the function
These are useful variables, to debug probems with the telescope. Set the derotator to 0 to disable it, same with the ETEL (AzmElv). Use 11 or 12 for ew_AzmElv_type to set only Alt (ELV) or Azimutal motion:
ew_AzmElv_type 2 ;VIWORD [0,1] Azm und Elv Type 0:keinen, 2,10:Etel(AZ+Elv) 11:Etel(ELV) 12:Etel(AZ) {typ+azm+elv} (wrp)
ew_DeR_type 10 ;VIWORD [0..5] Type 0:keinen, 1…4: (intern alles gleich) {typ+der} (wrp)
I have tried setting these parameters, and it appears that they become effective immediately. If you want to preserve them after a reboot, safe them first (using vs, make sure you have remounted the file system read-write), and then remount the file system read-only. It does not hurt to reboot and see if the parameter is set to what you expect. But make sure you read the warnings below and watch out for problems.
Another interesting parameter is ew_bAzm_to. We set it to 2.0 which improves the chances for an error-free startup.
The breaks (both AZimut and Altitude) are coupled with the Azimut-Axis. So if Azimut is enabled only, the Altitude axis is freely movable/swinging. If Altitude is enabled only, the breaks are on. To move the Altitude axis, one has to relieve the break first (by forcing the appropriate output port).
Setting ew_AzmElv_type to 11 does what you expect (disable the Altitude drive) - but it does NOT enable the brake (the brakes are coupled). So watch out for the telescope swinging the one way or the other.
More Warnings¶
Behaviour can be somehow unxpected with these variables above. The true nature is unknown. What we observed is the following:
Writing the variables with vw suffices for deactivating the derotator (ew_DeR_type)
Writing ew_AzmElv_type, starting from 10 (2) to 12 disables the azimuth (should disable elevation)
Writing any other value tries to power on az and elv, but may lead to an error in elv, which results then in azimuth on and elev off.
Storing the variables with vs does not change anything except after reboot : We vs with 12 then vw 10, with resulted in a working telescope, but after reboot of the schaltschrankrechner, the behaviour was as should be: no elev. axis, just azimuth.
Bottom line: After your test are done, vw 10/2 then vs
Important update on ew_AzmElv_type (2.5.2010):¶
I’m sure I vs with 10 and vw 10, but again after reboot it was 12. This resulted in a ERR_Elevation_LimitSwitchMin, which was unresettable, even in the pilar interface. One could power up the rest of the system, though, even sometimes clear the error, but never get ZD to work. It cost me some nerves to finally find out that this was caused by ew_AzmElv_type=12. Changed that in the schaltschrankrechner, all was fine again.
Description to run the digital oszi¶
this is a copy of an email from RS:
mit telnet richtig auf dem rechner einloggen -> r/w mounten
(mount -o remount,rw /) dann wieder ausloggen,
Einlogen mit telnet auf port 7230
Dann mit dem oszi eiloggen auf port 7231
dann vw sy_osz 13
Dann mussen auf dem oszi folgende Teile erscheinen
(double)_sy_tim, --> Zeit
(double)_rr_pDeR, --> istwert s von Derotator
(double)_rr_vDeR, --> v von Derotator
(double)_gw_vDeR, --> v(gelättet) von Derotator
(double)_iw_pDeR, -->sollwert s von Derotator
(double)_st_xDeR, --> Ausgegebene Relgeerspannung
(double)_dw_pDeR, --> Reglerabweichung
Den inneren Regelkreis abstimmen dafür diese Zahlen benutzen !
.var RSE_DREAL rp_vDeRKP=0.5 RSE_PARA [1] {der+epw} ;Regler:KP
.var RSE_DREAL rp_vDeRKI=0.5 RSE_PARA [1/s] {der+epw} ;Regler:KI
Zum einstellen !!!!
Mit den Kommandos
vw zt_lDer 0
vw zt_lDer 10
--> Den Derotator hin und herfahren, wenn keine Schwingungen mehr
dann ist er gut eingestellt !
DANN ! Den äußeren Regelkreis abstimmen dafür diese Zahlen benutzen !
.var RSE_DREAL rp_lDeRKP .0 RSE_PARA [1/s] {der+epw} ;Regler:KP
.var RSE_DREAL rp_lDeRKI=0.1 RSE_PARA [1/s^2] {der+epw} ;Regler:KI
--> Den Derotator hin und herfahren, wenn keine Schwingungen mehr
auftreten, dann ist er gut eingestellt !!!
--> Dann mit dem kommando vs die geänderten Zahlen auf die platte
--> rebooten
--> fertig
List of variables in telescope control PCs¶
Var |
Value |
Comment |
fw_nPar |
090000348 |
[.] FW-Nr des Paramtersatzes {sys} (wrp) |
fw_vPar |
100 |
[.] FW-Version des Paramtersatzes {sys} (wrp) |
fw_tNam |
[.] Arbeitsname OHNE BLANKS und Sonderzeichen !!! {sys} (wrp) |
fw_tCfg |
0.8000000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spiegeldurchmesser des Teleskops {sys} (wrp) |
hw_id |
36142 |
[.] HW-ID Base Cabinet {sys} (wrp) |
hw_cfg |
36143 |
[.] HW-/Parameter Configuration {sys} (wrp) |
hw_snr |
1 |
[.] HW-/Parameter Serienummer des Schranks {sys} (wrp) |
dl_test |
0 |
VDLONG [#] TEST f. DLONG {sys} (wrp) |
dw_test |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] TEST f. DWORD {sys} (wrp) |
pp_iFile |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 0=nicht gelesen, 1=Parameter initalisiert/gueltig 2=Backup geladen {par} (r) |
pp_iPara |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Auftrag zum Parameter speichern {par} (w) |
pp_iVars |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Auftrag zum Vars-Param speichern {par} (w) |
do_delay_init |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [s] Zeitdelay bis reinit() ausgeführt wird {sys} (w) |
is_rtm_para |
4 |
VIWORD [0,1..] 0,1=RTM-Modul Test, ob neue Parameter da sind (muss in param.txt 1 gesetzt werden!) {sys} (wrp) |
do_rtm_init |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] 0,1=RTM-Modul Neue Parameter sind da, reinit() ausführen {sys} (r) |
do_dlg_init |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] 0,1=Dlg-Modul Neue Parameter sind da, reinit() ausführen {sys} (r) |
do_tpl_init |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] 0,1=Tpl-Modul Neue Parameter sind da, reinit() ausführen {sys} (r) |
is_rtm |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 0,1=RTM-Modul ist geladen und aktiv {sys} (w) |
is_dlg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 0,1=DLG-Modul ok, 2=mit Backup Param, 9= mit Defaultparams {sys} (w) |
is_tpl |
0 |
VIWORD [#] 0,1=TPL-Modul ist geladen und aktiv {sys} (w) |
iw_timtick |
0.0000000025 |
VDREAL [#] TimerTicks des Precisions-Timers (^= 1/Mhz des Rechners) {sys+SYS} (r) |
iw_timzykDLG |
0.0200245602 |
VDREAL [#] Mittlere Zykluszeit des Dlgs {sys+SYS} (r) |
iw_timsigDLG |
0.0000000440 |
VDREAL [#] Sigma^2 dieser Zykluszeit {sys+SYS} (r) |
iw_timRTM |
0.0009978633 |
VDREAL [#] aktuelle Zykluszeit des RTM {sys+SYS} (r) |
iw_timzykRTM |
0.0010015072 |
VDREAL [#] Mittlere Zykluszeit des RTM {sys+SYS} (r) |
iw_timsigRTM |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Sigma^2 dieser Zykluszeit {sys+SYS} (r) |
sy_cmd |
0 |
VIWORD [#] 0=nix,1=system-reboot {sys} (w) |
sy_pwOK |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] Password für Telnet-Sizung 0:nicht ok, 1: ok {sys} (w) |
sy_trg |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Sampler/Tracer triggern {sys} (w) |
sy_osz |
13 |
VIWORD [1..n] Online Oszi Switch {sys+all+fnc} (wrp) |
sy_osz_dely |
0 |
VIWORD [0..n] Online Oszi, Ausgabe nur alle n*20 [ms] {sys+all+fnc} (wrp) |
sy_tracedely |
0 |
VIWORD [0..n] Online Trace: Alle n-Zyklen wird nur was rausgeschrieben {sys+all+fnc} (w) |
sy_dotrace |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Online Trace: Anzahl an rauszuschreibenden Datensätzen {sys+all+fnc} (w) |
sy_cTsk |
11634943 |
VUDWRD [#] 1ms Counter {sys} (r) |
sy_cSlw |
1163504 |
VUDWRD [#] 10ms Counter {sys} (r) |
sy_cRgl |
11635143 |
VUDWRD [#] Regler Hdl Counter {sys} (r) |
sy_cAbl |
11635243 |
VUDWRD [#] Ablauf Hdl Counter {sys} (r) |
sy_hTskFg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 1ms Taskfreigabe {sys} (w) |
sy_hSlwFg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 10ms Taskfreigabe {sys} (w) |
sy_hRglFg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Regler Taskfreigabe {sys} (w) |
sy_hAblFg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Ablauf Taskfreigabe {sys} (w) |
sy_hIsrFg |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Isr-freigabe {sys} (w) |
sy_spl |
0.010000 |
VFREAL [s] Sample-Zeit f. Sampler/Tracer {sys+all+fnc} (wrp) |
sy_tim |
11377.804688 |
VFREAL [s] Systemzeit Achtung:float {sys} (r) |
tt_Elv |
0 |
VIWORD [#] SWG TEst Elevation {tst+elv} (w) |
tt_Azm |
0 |
VIWORD [#] SWG TEst Azimuth {tst+azm} (w) |
ll_cnt |
32 |
VUDWRD [#] LogCounter {log} (r) |
ll_lvl |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] LogLevel {log} (r) |
ll_log |
1 |
VIDWRD [#] 0:keine LogFiles, 1:logging {log} (wrp) |
sw_bDmy |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] {dmy} (wrp) |
sw_cDmy |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] {dmy} (wrp) |
iw_bDmy |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] {dmy} (wrp) |
iw_cDmy |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] {dmy} (wrp) |
ll_tSem |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Log Year and Time Semaphore {log} (r) |
ll_yRtm |
2009 |
VUDWRD [#] LogYear (RTM_Task) {log+rtm} (r) |
ll_tRtm |
12740689.0808219481 |
VDREAL [#] LogSeconds from Year (RTM_Task) {log+rtm} (r) |
ll_tRtm_nosema |
12740689.1808279213 |
VDREAL [#] LogSeconds from Year (RTM_Task, no sema, only use in Rtm) {log+rtm} (r) |
ll_yDlg |
2009 |
VUDWRD [#] LogYear (DLG_Task) {log+dlg} (r) |
ll_tDlg |
12740689.3808398657 |
VDREAL [#] LogSeconds from Year (DLG_Task) {log+dlg} (r) |
ll_yTpl |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] LogYear (TPL_Task) {log+tpl} (r) |
ll_tTpl |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] LogSeconds from Year (TPL_Task) {log+tpl} (r) |
ll_yMsg |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] LogYear (MSG_Task) {log+msg} (r) |
ll_tMsg |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] LogSeconds from Year (TPL_Task) {log+msg} (r) |
ew_ref_mode |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] 0:Referenzierfahrt wenn notwendig 1:immer ref fahren {all+glo} (wrp) |
ew_rgl_off |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] 13:Alle Regler geben keine Spannung aus!(st_xXXX nicht beschrieben, ausser bei Endschalter) {all+glo} (w) |
ew_rgl_toblo |
1.510000 |
VFREAL [s] Timenout der Regler bis zum Feststellen dass er die Achse mechanisch blockiert ist {all+glo} (wrp) |
ew_etelRReg |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] 1:Lesen der Etelregister 2:Schreiben xxx:SAVE (geht nur, wenn die Steuerung noch nie an war) {etl+elv+azm+glo} (w) |
ew_bSwgAxs |
2 |
VIWORD [0..4] SWG 0:Limits,1:V ausInterpol.,2:SwgFilter,3:SwgF.SwgV,4:wie 2,mit sfk {etl+elv+azm+der+glo} (wrp) |
ew_etel_trw1 |
4.600000 |
VFREAL [s] Wartezeit des Etels (Elevazablauf) nach der Referenzierung {all+glo} (w) |
ew_etel_trw2 |
4.500000 |
VFREAL [s] Wartezeit des Etels (Etelablauf) nach der Referenzierung {all+glo} (w) |
ew_etel_trw3 |
0.030000 |
VFREAL [s] Wartezeit des Etels (Etelablauf) nach der Referenzierung {all+glo} (w) |
ew_rgl_sf_v |
0.005000 |
VFREAL [s] Schleppfehlerkorektur linear in v {all+glo} (w) |
ew_rgl_sf_v2 |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [s] Schleppfehlerkorektur v^2 {all+glo} (w) |
ew_rgl_sf_dt |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Zeitliche Vorverlagerung des Zielpunktes {all+glo} (w) |
ew_rgl_sf_ft |
0.010000 |
VFREAL [s] Zeitliche Vorverlagerung des Zielpunktes {all+glo+elv+azm} (w) |
ew_lisw_to |
0.0500000000 |
VDREAL [s] Endschalter für die Regler entprellen {all+sys} (w) |
ew_rglinh_to |
0.2500000000 |
VDREAL [s] Endschalter (im Regler)–> diese Richtung n[s] gesperrt {all+sys} (w) |
sw_pALL |
-1 |
VIWORD [#] -1:nix 0:alles aus 1: referenzierung 2: alles in Positionierung 3: bitmaske {all+glo} (w) |
iw_pALL |
-1 |
VIWORD [#] Ergebnis von sw_pALL {all+glo} (w) |
sw_pBitmask |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bit:1=azimut, 2=elevation, 3=derotator …vgl Ablauf/Hand_ID.h {all+glo} (w) |
sw_bZwv |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Zielwerte Verteiler -1 nix: 0= Positionieren,2= Trajektorie aus,3= Trajektorie an {zwv+glo} (w) |
sw_pOFS |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Zielwerte Verteiler -1 nix: 0=kein offset,1=nur offset,2=offset mit tasten {all+glo+ofs} (w) |
sw_SplMakeClean |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Befehl Splines löschen {all+glo+spl} (w) |
iw_SplBufMax |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Anzahl Splines pro Achse {all+glo+spl} (w) |
iw_SplBufFree |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Anzahl freie Splines pro Achse {all+glo+spl} (w) |
iw_SplBufSize |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Anzahl Datenpunkte pro Spline {all+glo+spl} (w) |
iw_SplBufFp |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Anzahl freie Datenpunkte pro Spline {all+glo+spl} (w) |
iw_SplOrdMax |
5 |
VIDWRD [#] Maximale Ordung der Splines {all+glo+spl} (w) |
sw_SplOrd |
5 |
VIDWRD [#] Aktuelle Ordung {all+glo+spl} (w) |
zz_zSem |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Zielwerte Semaphore (TPL schreibt) {zwv} (w) |
zz_rSem |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Zielwerte Semaphore (TPL ließt) {zwv} (w) |
zt_lElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Elevation ZielPosition TPL Vorgabe {elv+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_pElv |
0.0004443359 |
VDREAL [#] Elevation Position {elv+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_vElv |
-0.0103715303 |
VDREAL [#] Elevation Geschwindigkeit {elv+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zt_lAzm |
40.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Azimuth ZielPosition TPL Vorgabe {azm+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_pAzm |
40.0022241211 |
VDREAL [#] Azimuth Position {azm+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_vAzm |
-0.0112977294 |
VDREAL [#] Azimuth Geschwindigkeit {azm+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zt_lDer |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [#] Derotator ZielPosition TPL Vorgabe {der+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_pDer |
-52.8230468750 |
VDREAL [#] Derotator Position {der+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_vDer |
-0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Derotator Geschwindigkeit {der+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zt_lFok |
67.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Fokus ZielPosition TPL Vorgabe {fok+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_pFok |
66.9992000000 |
VDREAL [#] Fokus Position {fok+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_vFok |
-0.0000177620 |
VDREAL [#] Fokus Geschwindigkeit {fok+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zt_lSpD |
180.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung ZielPosition TPL Vorgabe {spd+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_pSpD |
180.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung Position {spd+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zi_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung Geschwindigkeit {spd+tpl+zwv} (w) |
zr_lElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Elevation ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {elv+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_oElv |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Elevation ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {elv+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_lAzm |
40.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Azimuth ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {azm+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_oAzm |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Azimuth ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {azm+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_lDer |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [#] Derotator ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {der+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_oDer |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Derotator ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {der+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_lFok |
67.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Fokus ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {fok+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_oFok |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Fokus ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {fok+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_lSpD |
180.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {spd+rtm+zwv} (w) |
zr_oSpD |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {spd+rtm+zwv} (w) |
cw_minIDX |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] OpenClose::Min Index: (geschlossen) {all+opc} (w) |
cw_maxIDX |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [#] OpenClose::Max Index: (offen) {all+opc} (w) |
cw_SpD_minIDX |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung::Min Index: 0… {abl+spg} (r) |
cw_SpD_maxIDX |
180.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung::Max Index: > cw_SpD_minIDX {abl+spg} (r) |
ab_sm_main |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::state {abl+mai} (w) |
sw_main_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::Modus Steurung an, ready …. {abl+mai} (w) |
iw_main_status |
2 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::Status {abl+mai} (w) |
tw_main_hand |
1 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Schlüsslschalter + Auswahlschalter {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_start |
-0.003000 |
VFREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster start {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_left |
-0.003000 |
VFREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster links {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_right |
-0.003000 |
VFREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster rechts {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_up |
-0.003000 |
VFREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster up {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_down |
-0.003000 |
VFREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster down {abl+mai} (r) |
tb_main_start |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster start {abl+mai} (r) |
tb_main_left |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster links {abl+mai} (r) |
tb_main_right |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster rechts {abl+mai} (r) |
tb_main_up |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster up {abl+mai} (r) |
tb_main_down |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster down {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_lr |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster rechts und links {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_ud |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster up und down {abl+mai} (r) |
iw_main_local |
-1 |
VIWORD [#] Main:: -1: mittelstellung 1:local 0:remot {abl+mai} (r) |
iw_main_runlev |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main:: -1:off 0:run 1:handmode 2:tpl 3:tplHand {abl+mai} (r) |
iw_main_notaus |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Main:: 0:kein 1:notaus {abl+mai} (r) |
tw_main_bdimm |
0.3000000119 |
VDREAL [#] Main::Handsteuerung Taster dimmen {abl+mai} (w) |
ew_main_signal |
5.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Main::Zeitdauer der Hupe {abl+mai} (wrp) |
ew_main_startd |
15.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Main::Zeitdauer beim Hochfahren bis der Dekel egal ist {abl+mai} (wrp) |
ew_main_stopd |
60.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Main::Zeitdauer bei USV_Betrieb bis der Dekel egal ist {abl+mai} (wrp) |
ew_cab_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Schaltschranktype::Type 1:default, 2:(mit Heizung u Telesk. Steckdosen) {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_cab_revi |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Schaltschranktype::Type 0:Alte Schränke(RS), 1:(EL) {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_bot_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Bedienflasche::Type 0:keine, 1:da {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_eme_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Notaussicherung::Type 0:keine, 1:da {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_phw_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Phaseüberwachung::Type 0:keine, 1:da {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_USV_type |
2 |
VIWORD [#] USV::Type 0:keine, 1:da {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_clim_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Klimagerät::Type 0:keine, 1:da {typ+mai} (wrp) |
ew_oil_type |
2 |
VIWORD [#] Öl::Type der Ölpumpe: 0=keine, 1= Normale 2=Aufwenig {typ+oil} (wrp) |
ab_sm_oil |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Öl::state {abl+oil} (w) |
sw_oil_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Öl::Modus {abl+oil} (w) |
iw_oil_status |
67108866 |
VIDWRD [#] Öl::Status {abl+oil} (w) |
ew_oil_err_ut |
30.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Maximalzeit bis der Druck da sein muß {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_err_na |
120.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Maximalzeit in der nicht abgesaugt werden kann {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_err_fl |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Zeit bis gemeldeter Filter als verschmutzt gilt {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_err_lv |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Zeit bis gemeldeter Olstand als zu niedrig/hoch gilt {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_delytu |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Zeit bis gemeldete ÜbertemperaturTemperatur als zu hoch gilt {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_delytd |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Zeit bis gemeldete Untertemperatur verzögert wird (Sonst klappert u.U. der Schütz) {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_preheat |
5.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Wenn’s zu kalt ist wird zuerst nur max solange beheizt (nur wenn > 0) {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_oil_absaug |
14.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Öl::Wenn Abgesaugt wird und der Level wieder unterhalb liegt, wird noch solange weitergesaugt {abl+oil} (wrp) |
ew_dek_type |
6 |
VIWORD [#] Deckel::Type 0=kein Deckel, 1=Dek1, 2=Dek2, 3=Dek3, 4=Dek1&Dek2 5=Dek1&Dek2&Dek3 6=Dek2&Dek3 7=Dek3&Dek2 {typ+dek} (wrp) |
sw_dek_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel::Modus {abl+dek} (w) |
iw_dek_status |
67141646 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel::Status {abl+dek} (w) |
sw_dek_pos |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Deckel::SollPosition {abl+dek} (w) |
iw_dek_pos |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [#] Deckel::IstPosition {abl+dek} (w) |
ab_sm_dk1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel1::state {abl+dek+dk1} (w) |
sw_dk1_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel1::Modus {abl+dek+dk1} (w) |
iw_dk1_status |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel1::Status {abl+dek+dk1} (w) |
ew_dk1_pl |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel1::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ew_dk1_pr |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel1::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ew_dk1_prl |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ew_dk1_prr |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ew_dk1_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ew_dk1_to |
15.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Deckel1::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+dek+dk1} (wrp) |
ab_sm_dk2 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel2::state {abl+dek+dk2} (w) |
sw_dk2_modus |
8 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel2::Modus {abl+dek+dk2} (w) |
iw_dk2_status |
67141646 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel2::Status {abl+dek+dk2} (w) |
ew_dk2_pl |
1 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel2::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ew_dk2_pr |
1 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel2::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ew_dk2_prl |
0.200000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ew_dk2_prr |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ew_dk2_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ew_dk2_to |
12.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Deckel2::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+dek+dk2} (wrp) |
ab_sm_dk3 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel3::state {abl+dek+dk3} (w) |
sw_dk3_modus |
8 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel3::Modus {abl+dek+dk3} (w) |
iw_dk3_status |
67141646 |
VIDWRD [#] Deckel3::Status {abl+dek+dk3} (w) |
ew_dk3_pl |
1 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel3::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dk3_pr |
1 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Deckel3::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dk3_prl |
0.100000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dk3_prr |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dk3_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dk3_to |
12.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Deckel3::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+dek+dk3} (wrp) |
ew_dom_type |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Dome::Type 0=kein Dome, 1=Dome1, 2=Dome1&Dome2 (mit gegens. Behind.) 3=Dome1&Dome2 (ohne gegens. Behind.) {typ+dom} (wrp) |
sw_dom_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome::Modus {abl+dom} (w) |
iw_dom_status |
10 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome::Status {abl+dom} (w) |
sw_dom_pos |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Dome::SollPosition {abl+dom} (w) |
iw_dom_pos |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Dome::IstPosition {abl+dom} (w) |
ab_sm_do1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome1::state {abl+dom+do1} (w) |
sw_do1_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome1::Modus {abl+dom+do1} (w) |
iw_do1_status |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome1::Status {abl+dom+do1} (w) |
ew_do1_pl |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Dome1::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dom+do1} (wrp) |
ew_do1_pr |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Dome1::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dom+do1} (wrp) |
ew_do1_prl |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {abl+dek+do1} (wrp) |
ew_do1_prr |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {abl+dek+do1} (wrp) |
ew_do1_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {abl+dek+do3} (wrp) |
ew_do1_to |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Dome1::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+dom+do1} (wrp) |
ab_sm_do2 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome2::state {abl+dom+do2} (w) |
sw_do2_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome2::Modus {abl+dom+do2} (w) |
iw_do2_status |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Dome2::Status {abl+dom+do2} (w) |
ew_do2_pl |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Dome2::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dom+do2} (wrp) |
ew_do2_pr |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Dome2::Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {abl+dom+do2} (wrp) |
ew_do2_prl |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {abl+dek+do2} (wrp) |
ew_do2_prr |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {abl+dek+do2} (wrp) |
ew_do2_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {abl+dek+do2} (wrp) |
ew_do2_to |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Dome2::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+dom+do2} (wrp) |
ew_fra_type |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Farbrad::Type 0:keins, 1 normales Farbrad, 2 recht/links Farbrad {typ+fra} (wrp) |
ew_fra_subid |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Die Tpl Sub-Id {typ+der} (wrp) |
ab_sm_fra |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Farbrad::state {abl+fra} (r) |
sw_fra_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Farbrad::Modus {abl+fra} (w) |
iw_fra_status |
2 |
VIDWRD [#] Farbrad::Status {abl+fra} (r) |
sw_fra_pos |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::SollPosition {abl+fra} (w) |
iw_fra_pos |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::IstPosition {abl+fra} (r) |
iw_fra_mcount |
12.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::maxindex {abl+fra} (r) |
ew_fra_toref |
60.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Farbrad::Timeout Refernzierung {abl+fra} (wrp) |
ew_fra_toind |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Farbrad::Timeout von index zu index {abl+fra} (wrp) |
ew_fra_postd |
0.090000 |
VFREAL [s] Farbrad::Nachlauf nach dem Index {abl+fra} (wrp) |
ew_fra_minIDX |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::Min Index: {abl+fra} (wrp) |
ew_fra_maxIDX |
12.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::Max Index: Anzahl der Felder (max-min)+1 {abl+fra} (wrp) |
ew_twait |
0.050000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad::Watezeit bei revers {abl+fra} (wrp) |
zr_ofra |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Farbrad ZielPosition rtm Vorgabe {fra+rtm+zwv} (w) |
xw_fra_motor |
0 |
fge_type |
2 |
VIWORD [0..] Type 0=sin,1=säge,2=dreieck,3=rechteck {fge} (w) |
fge_T |
20.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Periodendauer (0.05-1000) {fge} (w) |
fge_amp |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Amplitude des Ausgangs {fge} (w) |
fge_off |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Offset des Ausgangs {fge} (w) |
fge_out |
-0.0686000000 |
VDREAL [#] Ausgang {fge} (w) |
fge_oud |
0.2000000000 |
VDREAL [#] Ausgang (Ableitung) {fge} (w) |
fge_ints1 |
15.5440000000 |
VDREAL [#] intern {fge} (r) |
fge_ints2 |
4.3570000000 |
VDREAL [#] intern {fge} (r) |
fge_ints3 |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [#] intern {fge} (r) |
fges_on |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Sweep 1=an 2=oneshoot {fge} (w) |
fges_D |
60.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Sweep Dauer {fge} (w) |
fges_xs |
61.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Sweep StartPeriodendauer {fge} (w) |
fges_xe |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Sweep StartPeriodendauer {fge} (w) |
fges_ints |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] intern {fge} (r) |
sy_sin |
0.0284114525 |
VDREAL [#] Testsignal Sinus {sys} (w) |
sy_cos |
0.9920635054 |
VDREAL [#] Testsignal Cosinus {sys} (w) |
sy_sqs |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Testsignal Rechteck {sys} (w) |
sy_sqt |
0.8120000000 |
VDREAL [s] istwert Rechteck-Signal-Periode {sys} (r) |
sy_sqp |
3.3000000000 |
VDREAL [s] T=1/Frequenz Rechteck {sys} (wrp) |
iw_tCU |
23.095703 |
VFREAL [G] Schaltschrank Innentemperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_1 |
16.577148 |
VFREAL [G] Feld 1 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_2 |
16.650391 |
VFREAL [G] Feld 2 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_3 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Reserve 3 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_4 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Reserve 4 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_5 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Reserve 5 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_6 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Reserve 6 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
iw_tTel_7 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Reserve 7 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tCU |
23.039597 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Schaltschrank Innentemperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_1 |
16.513756 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Feld 1 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_2 |
16.653685 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Feld 2 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_3 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Reserve 3 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_4 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Reserve 4 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_5 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Reserve 5 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_6 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Reserve 6 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
gw_tTel_7 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Glattwert Reserve 7 Temperatur {sen} (w) |
ew_sens_type |
7 |
VIWORD [bits] Sensoren Type, Bitwert:0,1=existiert[0=Cabinet,1=M2,2=M1,3=M3,4=T1,5=T2,6=Oil,7=Oil(Druck)] {typ+sen} (wrp) |
fp_tTmpCU |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Filterzeitkonstante SchrankTemperatur {sen+par} (wrp) |
fp_tTelExt |
2.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Filterzeitkonstante TelesakopTemperaturen {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tTmpCU |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [G/V] TemperaturSkalierung Schrank {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tOfsCU |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [G/V] TemperaturOffset Schrank {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tTmpTel |
15.000000 |
VFREAL [G/V] TemperaturSkalierung Teleskop {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tOfsTel |
-50.000000 |
VFREAL [G/V] TemperaturOffset Teleskop {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tCUMax |
45.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Maximaltemperatur Schrank {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_tCUMin |
10.000000 |
VFREAL [G] Minimaltemperatur Schrank {sen+par} (wrp) |
ew_sensor0 |
T_cabinet |
[.] Name of Sensor 0 –> AD 0 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor1 |
T_M2 |
[.] Name of Sensor 1 –> AD 1 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor2 |
T_M1 |
[.] Name of Sensor 2 –> AD 2 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor3 |
T_M3 |
[.] Name of Sensor 3 –> AD 3 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor4 |
T_Tubus1 |
[.] Name of Sensor 4 –> AD 4 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor5 |
T_Tubus2 |
[.] Name of Sensor 5 –> AD 5 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor6 |
T_Oil |
[.] Name of Sensor 6 –> AD 6 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_sensor7 |
P_Oil |
[.] Name of Sensor 7 –> AD 7 {sen} (wrp) |
ew_Fok_type |
10 |
VIWORD [0,1,2,10] Fokus Type 0:keinen, 1,2:mit/ohne Bremse, 10:besser {typ+fok} (wrp) |
ew_Fok_EndPolarity |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Polarität Endschalter 0: heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {typ+fok} (wrp) |
ew_bFok_type |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1,] Bremse: 0:ohne 1:mit einfacher 2:OpenCloseBremse {typ+fok} (wrp) |
ew_bfok_to |
0.080000 |
VFREAL [0,1] Bremse: Zeit bis die Bremse offen ist {fok} (wrp) |
ew_bFok_pwm |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse: Pwm-Bit-Muster {fok} (wrp) |
sw_bfok_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse::Modus {fok+Fok} (w) |
ab_sm_fok |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Fokus::state {fok} (w) |
sw_fok_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Fokus::Modus {fok+Fok} (w) |
iw_fok_status |
67141666 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Fokus::Status {fok+Fok} (w) |
sw_bFok |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Fokus::Modus Regler {fok+Fok} (w) |
ew_fok_toref |
240.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Fokus::Timeout Refernzierung {fok} (wrp) |
sw_pFok |
67.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Zielposition in Lageregelung {fok+Fok} (w) |
sw_vFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Sollgeschw. in Drehzahlregelung {fok+Fok} (w) |
sv_vFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung Lageregelung {fok} (w) |
iw_dFok |
1 |
VIDWRD [#] InkrementalgeberÄnderung {fok+riw} (w) |
iw_xFok |
317499 |
VIDWRD [#] Inkrementalgeber {fok+riw} (w) |
iw_pFok |
66.9996000000 |
VDREAL [mm] IstPosition {fok+Fok} (w) |
iw_vFok |
0.2000000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] IstDrehzahl (ungefiltert) {fok+riw} (w) |
gw_vFok |
0.0000673678 |
VDREAL [mm/s] IstDrehzahl (gefiltert) {fok+Fok} (w) |
iw_pelFok |
-53.6724000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Endschalterposition l {fok+riw} (w) |
iw_perFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Endschalterposition r {fok+riw} (w) |
dw_pFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Labeabweichung {fok+riw} (w) |
dw_vFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw.abweichung {fok+riw} (w) |
dw_vbFok |
-0.0002918000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] begrenzte Geschw.abweichung {fok+riw} (w) |
rr_pFok |
66.9994000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Führungsgröße für Lageregelung {fok+Fok} (w) |
lw_pFok |
67.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Sollwert begrenz auf SW-Endlagen(SWG) {swg+fok} (w) |
rr_vFok |
0.0000530660 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung {fok+Fok} (w) |
lw_vFok |
3.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {fok} (w) |
lw_aFok |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s^2] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {swg+fok} (w) |
sl_vFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {fok} (w) |
sl_svFok |
0.0000005716 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {fok} (w) |
st_vFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW {fok} (w) |
st_xFok |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [V] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW {fok+Fok} (w) |
ew_FokCD |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [+-1] +/- 1: Achsen-Drehrichtung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_sFok |
5000.000000 |
VDREAL [#/mm] Encoder-Auflösung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vFok |
0.0400000000 |
VDREAL [NE/mm/s] Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_svvFok |
0.0400000000 |
VDREAL [NE/mm/s] v-Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {fok+epw} (wrp) |
fp_tFok |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Glättungsfilter Drehzahl. {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pdeltFok |
0.003000 |
VFREAL [mm] Lagedifferenzbildung für STAT_No_Differenze {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vdeltFok |
0.002000 |
VFREAL [mm/s] Geschwind.differenzbildung für STAT_is_moving {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pstartFok |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [mm] Start Sollwert {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pRefFok |
3.5000000000 |
VDREAL [mm] Referenzierungsoffset p nach dem Referenzieren {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefFok |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [mm/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Referenzierung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefrFok |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [%] Relativgeschwindigkeit beim Zurückfahren beim Referenzierung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vHandFok |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [mm/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Handsteuerung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Fok_Refen |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung über Encoder=0, sonst Endschalter {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Fok_Reflr |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung links=0, sonst rechts {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pFokMax |
96.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] SWG-Maximaler +Weg {swg+fok} (wrp) |
ew_pFokMin |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [mm] SWG-Maximaler -Weg {swg+fok} (wrp) |
ew_vFokVec |
1.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Vorhalt {swg+fok} (wrp) |
ew_vFokOfs |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Offset {swg+fok} (wrp) |
ew_vFokMax |
3.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] max. Geschwindigkeit {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_taFokLim |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Beschleunigungsrbegr. {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_tjFokRed |
2.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Ruckreduzierung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ew_aFokMax |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s*s] SWG-Maximale BeEschleunigung = v_max/taLim {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lFokKP |
2.5000000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KP {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lFokKI |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [1/s^2] Regler:KI {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lFokLIM |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vFokKP |
6.000000 |
VDREAL [1] Regler:KP {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vFokKI |
6.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KI {fok+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vFokLIM |
20.000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {fok+epw} (wrp) |
ab_sm_spgl1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Spiegeldrehung1::state {abl+spg} (w) |
sw_spgl1_modus |
4 |
VIDWRD [#] Spiegeldrehung1::Modus {abl+spg} (w) |
iw_spgl1_status |
67141638 |
VIDWRD [#] Spiegeldrehung1::Status {abl+spg} (w) |
ew_spgl1_to |
45.000000 |
VFREAL [#] Spiegeldrehung1::Timeout fürs Erreichen des Endschalters {abl+spg} (wrp) |
ew_SpD_type |
3 |
VIWORD [0,1,2] Spiegeldrehung Type 0:keinen, 1,2:mit/ohne Bremse 3:binärServo {typ+spd} (wrp) |
ew_SpD_EndPolarity |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {typ+spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_type |
2 |
VIWORD [0,1,] Bremse: 0:ohne 1:mit einfacher 2:OpenCloseBremse {typ+spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_to |
45.000000 |
VFREAL [0,1] Bremse: Zeit bis die Bremse offen ist {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_pwm |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse: Pwm-Bit-Muster {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_pl |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Bremse: Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_pr |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1] Bremse: Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_prl |
0.400000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung links {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_prr |
0.400000 |
VFREAL [s] Bremse: Nachlaufzeit für Bewegung rechts {spd} (wrp) |
ew_bSpD_exx |
0 |
VIWORD [s] Bremse: Endschalter vertauschen {spd} (wrp) |
sw_bSpD_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse::Modus {spd+SpD} (w) |
ew_bSpD_sprun |
1 |
VUDWRD [#] Bremse::Wenn sie gleich 1 ist, macht sie auch wieder zu obwohl’s aus ist {spd+SpD} (wrp) |
ab_sm_SpD |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] state {spd} (w) |
sw_SpD_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Modus {spd+SpD} (w) |
sw_SpD_cmodus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Copy of Modus {spd+SpD} (w) |
iw_SpD_status |
67141638 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Status {spd+SpD} (w) |
sw_bSpD |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Modus Regler {spd+SpD} (w) |
ew_SpD_toref |
250.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Timeout Refernzierung {spd} (wrp) |
sw_pSpD |
180.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Zielposition in Lageregelung {spd+SpD} (w) |
sw_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Sollgeschw. in Drehzahlregelung {spd+SpD} (w) |
sv_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung Lageregelung {spd} (w) |
iw_dSpD |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] InkrementalgeberÄnderung {spd+riw} (w) |
iw_xSpD |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Inkrementalgeber {spd+riw} (w) |
iw_pSpD |
180.000000 |
VDREAL [°] IstPosition {spd+SpD} (w) |
iw_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstDrehzahl (ungefiltert) {spd+riw} (w) |
gw_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstDrehzahl (gefiltert) {spd+SpD} (w) |
iw_pelSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition l {spd+riw} (w) |
iw_perSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition r {spd+riw} (w) |
dw_pSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Labeabweichung {spd+riw} (w) |
dw_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw.abweichung {spd+riw} (w) |
dw_vbSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] begrenzte Geschw.abweichung {spd+riw} (w) |
rr_pSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Führungsgröße für Lageregelung {spd+SpD} (w) |
lw_pSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Sollwert begrenz auf SW-Endlagen(SWG) {swg+spd} (w) |
rr_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung {spd+SpD} (w) |
lw_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {spd} (w) |
lw_aSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s^2] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {swg+spd} (w) |
sl_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {spd} (w) |
sl_svSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {spd} (w) |
st_vSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW {spd} (w) |
st_xSpD |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [V] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW {spd+SpD} (w) |
ew_SpDCD |
-1.000000 |
VDREAL [+-1] +/- 1: Achsen-Drehrichtung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_sSpD |
-111.1111111111 |
VDREAL [#/°] Encoder-Auflösung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vSpD |
-0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_svvSpD |
-0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] v-Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {spd+epw} (wrp) |
fp_tSpD |
0.0500000000 |
VDREAL [s] Glättungsfilter Drehzahl. {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pdeltSpD |
0.003000 |
VFREAL [°] Lagedifferenzbildung für STAT_No_Differenze {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vdeltSpD |
0.002000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwind.differenzbildung für STAT_is_moving {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pstartSpD |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [°] Start Sollwert {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pRefSpD |
82.8000000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p nach dem Referenzieren {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefSpD |
1.500000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Referenzierung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefrSpD |
0.700000 |
VFREAL [%] Relativgeschwindigkeit beim Zurückfahren beim Referenzierung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vHandSpD |
3.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Handsteuerung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_SpD_Refen |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung über Encoder=0, sonst Endschalter {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_SpD_Reflr |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung links=0, sonst rechts {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pSpDMax |
180.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler +Weg {swg+spd} (wrp) |
ew_pSpDMin |
-0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler -Weg {swg+spd} (wrp) |
ew_write_da |
-0.200000 |
VFREAL [0.1V] Spannungsoutput bei binärem Servo {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_crtl_wai |
0.100000 |
VFREAL [0.1V] Warten bis Bremse und Controller startklar sind {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vSpDVec |
1.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Vorhalt {swg+spd} (wrp) |
ew_vSpDOfs |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Offset {swg+spd} (wrp) |
ew_vSpDMax |
3.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] max. Geschwindigkeit {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_taSpDLim |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Beschleunigungsrbegr. {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_tjSpDRed |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Ruckreduzierung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_aSpDMax |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s*s] SWG-Maximale BeEschleunigung = v_max/taLim {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lSpDKP |
4.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KP {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lSpDKI |
2.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s^2] Regler:KI {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lSpDLIM |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vSpDKP |
2.000000 |
VDREAL [1] Regler:KP {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vSpDKI |
8.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KI {spd+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vSpDLIM |
100.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {spd+epw} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_type |
10 |
VIWORD [0..5] Type 0:keinen, 1…4: (intern alles gleich) {typ+der} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_subid |
2 |
VIWORD [#] Die Tpl Sub-Id des Derotators {typ+der} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_EndPolarity |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {typ+der} (wrp) |
ew_bDeR_type |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1,] Bremse: 0:ohne 1:mit einfacher 2:OpenCloseBremse {typ+der} (wrp) |
ew_bDeR_to |
0.080000 |
VFREAL [0,1] Bremse: Zeit bis die Bremse offen ist {der} (wrp) |
ew_bDeR_pwm |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse: Pwm-Bit-Muster {der} (wrp) |
sw_bDeR_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse::Modus {der+Der} (w) |
ab_sm_DeR |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] state {der} (w) |
sw_DeR_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Modus {der+Der} (w) |
iw_statDeR |
67141634 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Status {der+Der} (w) |
sw_bDeR |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Modus Regler {der+Der} (w) |
sw_DeR_smodus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline modus {der+biw} (w) |
iw_DeR_sstatus |
2049 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline status {der+biw} (w) |
iw_DeR_stimtra |
1001 |
VIWORD [#] Spline Timetrace Indexoffset (<0, kein gültiger Wert)(–>(ew_tjDeRRed+ew_taDeRLim)>3.0) {der+biw} (r) |
sw_DeR_timtra |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Timetrace Wert für richtige Zeit {der+biw} (r) |
iw_DeR_spl_t |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient Zeit {swg+der+biw} (r) |
iw_DeR_spl_b |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient b_0 {swg+der+biw} (r) |
fg_SwgDeR |
0 |
VIWORD [#] 0=Istwertübernahme in SWG, 1=Freigabe SWG {swg+der} (w) |
sw_pDeR |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [°] Zielposition in Lageregelung {der+Der} (w) |
sw_vDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Sollgeschw. in Drehzahlregelung {der+Der} (w) |
sv_vDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung Lageregelung {der} (w) |
iw_dDeR |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] InkrementalgeberÄnderung {der+riw} (w) |
iw_xDeR |
-1809172 |
VIDWRD [#] Inkrementalgeber {der+riw} (w) |
dw_pDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Labeabweichung {der+riw} (w) |
dw_vDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw.abweichung {der+riw} (w) |
dw_vbDeR |
0.0003131718 |
VDREAL [°/s] begrenzte Geschw.abweichung {der+riw} (w) |
iw_pDeR |
-52.8230468750 |
VDREAL [°] IstPosition {der+Der} (w) |
iw_vDeR |
-0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstDrehzahl (ungefiltert) {der+riw} (w) |
gw_vDeR |
-0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstDrehzahl (gefiltert) {der+Der} (w) |
iw_pelDeR |
-382.0934570313 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition l {der+Der} (w) |
iw_perDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition r {der+Der} (w) |
bw_lDeR |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [°] SplinePosition {der+biw} (w) |
bw_vDeR |
0.0042417336 |
VDREAL [°/s] SplineGeschwindigkeit {der+biw} (w) |
bw_tdSwgDeR |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] SWG-bedingter Zeitverzug der Sollwerte {swg+der} (w) |
rr_pDeR |
-52.8230468750 |
VDREAL [°] Führungsgröße für Lageregelung {der+Der} (w) |
lw_pDeR |
-52.8229173742 |
VDREAL [°] Sollwert begrenz auf SW-Endlagen(SWG) {swg+der} (w) |
rr_vDeR |
-0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung {der+Der} (w) |
lw_vDeR |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {der} (w) |
lw_aDeR |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s^2] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {swg+der} (w) |
sl_vDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {der} (w) |
sl_svDeR |
-0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {der} (w) |
st_vDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (m/s) {der} (w) |
st_xDeR |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [V] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (V) {der} (w) |
ew_DeRCD |
-1.000000 |
VDREAL [+-1] +/- 1: Achsen-Drehrichtung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_sDeR |
10240.000000 |
VDREAL [#/°] Encoder-Auflösung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vDeR |
-0.0857000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_svvDeR |
-0.0857000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] v-Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pdeltDeR |
0.030000 |
VFREAL [°] Lagedifferenzbildung für STAT_No_Differenze {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vdeltDeR |
0.002000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwind.differenzbildung für STAT_is_moving {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_toref |
240.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Timeout Refernzierung {der} (wrp) |
ew_pstartDeR |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [°] Start Sollwert {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pRefDeR |
-229.5000000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p nach dem Referenzieren {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefDeR |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Referenzierung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefrDeR |
0.200000 |
VFREAL [%] Relativgeschwindigkeit beim Zurückfahren beim Referenzierung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vHandDeR |
3.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Handsteuerung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_Refen |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung über Encoder=0, sonst Endschalter {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_DeR_Reflr |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung links=0, sonst rechts {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pDeRMax |
229.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler +Weg {swg+der} (wrp) |
ew_pDeRMin |
-229.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler -Weg {swg+der} (wrp) |
ew_vDeRVec |
1.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Vorhalt {swg+der} (wrp) |
ew_vDeROfs |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Offset {swg+der} (wrp) |
fp_tDeR |
0.0500000000 |
VDREAL [s] Glättungsfilter Drehzahl. {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vDeRMax |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] max. Geschwindigkeit {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_taDeRLim |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Beschleunigungsrbegr. {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_tjDeRRed |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Ruckreduzierung {der+epw} (wrp) |
ew_aDeRMax |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s*s] SWG-Maximale BeEschleunigung {swg+der} (wrp) |
rp_lDeRKP |
10.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KP {der+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lDeRKI |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [1/s^2] Regler:KI {der+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lDeRLIM |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {der+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vDeRKP |
13.000000 |
VDREAL [1] Regler:KP {der+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vDeRKI |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KI {der+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vDeRLIM |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {der+epw} (wrp) |
is_pHil |
128 |
VIWORD [#] Status Profibus Treiber {hil} (w) |
id_HilX1 |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Hilscher-Karte Hersteller Datum Tag {hil} (w) |
id_HilX2 |
3 |
VIWORD [#] Hilscher-Karte Hersteller Datum Monat {hil} (w) |
id_HilX3 |
2004 |
VIWORD [#] Hilscher-Karte Hersteller Datum Jahr {hil} (w) |
id_HilX4 |
1070490 |
VIDWRD [#] Hilscher-Karte Geraetenummer {hil} (w) |
id_HilX5 |
3188 |
VIDWRD [#] Hilscher-Karte Seriennummer {hil} (w) |
ew_tgrTmo |
1 |
VIWORD [s] Telegramm Timeout Einstellwert {hil} (wrp) |
iw_tgrTmoC |
4591 |
VIWORD [#] Telegramm Timeout Counter (monitoring) {hil} (w) |
ew_AzmElv_type |
2 |
VIWORD [0,1] Azm und Elv Type 0:keinen, 1:Etel {typ+azm+elv} (wrp) |
pb_connected |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] 0=kein, 1=Profibus verbunden {hil+azm+elv} (w) |
sw_pwr_Elv_Azm |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Der Powerschütz des Etels {elv+azm} (w) |
et_vElvOfs |
0.0100000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Handoffset für Tpl {ofs+elv} (wrp) |
et_vAzmOfs |
0.0100000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Handoffset für Tpl {ofs+azm} (wrp) |
et_vDeROfs |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Handoffset für Tpl {ofs+azm} (wrp) |
et_vFokOfs |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [mm/s] Handoffset für Tpl {ofs+fok} (wrp) |
ew_tmo_ready |
60.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout bis Etel RDY-sein muss {elv+azm+sys} (wrp) |
ew_Elv_EndPolarity |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {typ+elv+eLv} (wrp) |
ew_bElv_type |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1,] Bremse: 0:ohne 1:mit einfacher 2:OpenCloseBremse {typ+elv+eLv} (wrp) |
ew_bElv_to |
2.000000 |
VFREAL [0,1] Bremse: Zeit bis die Bremse offen ist {elv+eLv} (wrp) |
ew_bElv_pwm |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse: Pwm-Bit-Muster {elv+eLv} (wrp) |
sw_bElv_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse::Modus {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
ab_sm_Elv |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] state {elv+eLv} (w) |
sw_ElvModus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Modus {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
iw_ElvStatus |
67141666 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Status {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
sw_bElv |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Modus Regler {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
sw_Elv_smodus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline modus {elv+eLv+biw} (w) |
iw_Elv_sstatus |
2049 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline status {elv+eLv+biw} (w) |
iw_Elv_stimtra |
311 |
VIWORD [#] Spline Timetrace Indexoffset (<0, kein gültiger Wert)(–>(ew_tjElvRed+ew_taElvLim)>3.0) {elv+eLv+biw} (r) |
sw_Elv_timtra |
37.4207915638 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Timetrace Wert für richtige Zeit {elv+eLv+biw} (r) |
iw_Elv_spl_t |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient Zeit {elv+eLv+swg} (r) |
iw_Elv_spl_b |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient b_0 {elv+eLv+swg} (r) |
fg_SwgElv |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 0=Istwertübernahme in SWG, 1=Freigabe SWG {elv+eLv+swg} (w) |
sw_lElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Zielposition in Lageregelung {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
sw_vElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Sollgeschw. in Drehzahlregelung {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
sv_vElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung Lageregelung {elv+eLv} (w) |
iw_dElv |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] InkrementalgeberÄnderung {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
iw_xElv |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Inkrementalgeber {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
dw_pElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Labeabweichung {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
dw_vElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw.abweichung {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
dw_vbElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] begrenzte Geschw.abweichung {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
elv_Pos |
0.0004492187 |
VDREAL [°] IstPosition {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
elv_Spd |
-0.0093841553 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstGeschwindigkeit (ungefiltert) {elv+eLv+riw} (w) |
gw_vElv |
-0.0093160599 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstGeschwindigkeit (gefiltert) {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
iw_pelElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition l {elv+riw} (w) |
iw_perElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition r {elv+riw} (w) |
bw_lElv |
37.4207915638 |
VDREAL [°] SplinePosition {elv+eLv+biw} (w) |
bw_vElv |
0.0000107458 |
VDREAL [°/s] SplineGeschwindigkeit {elv+eLv+biw} (w) |
bw_tdSwgElv |
0.3099999998 |
VDREAL [s] SWG-bedingter Zeitverzug der Sollwerte {elv+eLv+swg} (w) |
rr_pElv |
0.0004506571 |
VDREAL [°] Führungsgröße für Lageregelung {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
lw_pElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Sollwert begrenz auf SW-Endlagen(SWG) {elv+eLv+swg} (w) |
rr_vElv |
-0.0091796379 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
lw_vElv |
10.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {elv+eLv} (w) |
lw_aElv |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s^2] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {elv+eLv+swg} (w) |
sl_vElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {elv+eLv} (w) |
sl_svElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {elv+eLv} (w) |
st_vElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (m/s) {elv+eLv} (w) |
st_xElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [V] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (V) {elv+eLv+Elv} (w) |
ew_ElvCD |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [+-1] +/- 1: Achsen-Drehrichtung {elv+eLv+biw} (wrp) |
ew_sElv |
5000.000000 |
VDREAL [#/°] Encoder-Skalierung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vElv |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_svvElv |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] v-Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pdeltElv |
0.030000 |
VFREAL [°] Lagedifferenzbildung für STAT_No_Differenze {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vdeltElv |
0.020000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwind.differenzbildung für STAT_is_moving {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Elv_toref |
400.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Timeout Referenzierung {elv+eLv} (wrp) |
ew_pstartElv |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [°] Start Sollwert {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_ElvOO |
-45.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p nach dem Referenzieren {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
iw_ElvOOX |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p falls Refmark von Etel auf der falschen Seite {elv+eLv+epw} (w) |
ew_vRefElv |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Referenzierung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefrElv |
0.200000 |
VFREAL [%] Relativgeschwindigkeit beim Zurückfahren beim Referenzierung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_ElvIS |
2.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Handsteuerung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_ElvIA |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s^2] Inching Full Speed Acceleration {elv+eLv} (wrp) |
ew_Elv_Refen |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung über Encoder=0, sonst Endschalter {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Elv_Reflr |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung links=0, sonst rechts {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pElvMax |
89.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler +Weg {elv+eLv+swg} (wrp) |
ew_pElvMin |
-1.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler -Weg {elv+eLv+swg} (wrp) |
ew_tElvEncoder |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Ist der Encoder normal (1) oder Multiindex (2) {elv+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vElvVec |
1.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Vorhalt {elv+eLv+swg} (wrp) |
ew_vElvOfs |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Offset {elv+eLv+swg} (wrp) |
fp_tElv |
0.0050000000 |
VDREAL [s] Glättungsfilter Drehzahl. {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vElvMax |
10.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] max. Geschwindigkeit {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_aElvMax |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s*s] SWG-Maximale BeEschleunigung {elv+eLv+swg} (wrp) |
ew_taElvLim |
0.4000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Beschleunigungsrbegr. {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
ew_tjElvRed |
0.2000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Ruckreduzierung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lElvKP |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KP {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lElvKI |
0.0050000000 |
VDREAL [1/s^2] Regler:KI {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lElvLIM |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vElvKP |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1] Regler:KP {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vElvKI |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KI {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vElvLIM |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {elv+eLv+epw} (wrp) |
is_pElv |
6 |
VIWORD [0..] Status Etel {elv+ELV} (w) |
iw_pElv |
1 |
VIWORD [0..] Istphase Etel {elv+ELV} (w) |
sw_pElv |
1 |
VIWORD [0..] Sollphase Etel {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_cw0 |
1024 |
VIWORD [#] Control Word CW0 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_cw1 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Control Word CW1 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_sv1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar1 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_sv2 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar2 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_sv3 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar3 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_sw0 |
15296 |
VIWORD [#] Status Word SW0 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_sw1 |
12288 |
VIWORD [#] Status Word SW1 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_mv1 |
-18431818 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar1 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_mv2 |
-164 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar2 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_mv3 |
8650766 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar3 Etel (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_HMode |
10 |
VIWORD [0..27] Homing Modus {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_HSpd |
2.0000267029 |
VDREAL [°/s] Homing Geschwindigkeit {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_EPIF |
147456000 |
VIDWRD [1/U] Encoder Position Increments Faktor {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_EPER |
18000 |
VIDWRD [nm] Encoder Periode {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_EIPF |
8 |
VIWORD [1..8192] Encoder Interpolations Faktor {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_SPCF |
1 |
VIWORD [1..256] User Set Point Calculation Faktor {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_ERES |
0.0087890625 |
VDREAL [arcsec] Theoretische Aufloesung des Encoders {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_STI |
166.6666666667 |
VDREAL [us] Slow Time Interrupt Zykluszeit [us] {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_upi1 |
409600.000000 |
VDREAL [1/°] berechneter Konversionsfaktor [°]->[upi] {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_usi1 |
17476.2666666667 |
VDREAL [s/°] berechneter Konversionsfaktor [°/s]->[usi] {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_uai1 |
745.6540444444 |
VDREAL [s^2/°] berechneter Konversionsfaktor [°/s^2]->[uai] {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_ErrCode |
190 |
VIWORD [#] Inhalt Fault Fehler-Register (M64) (-1: unknown) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_AlmCode |
3 |
VIWORD [#] Inhalt Alarm Fehler-Register (M66) (-1: unknown) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_NODE |
2 |
VIWORD [#] Slave Adresse des Profibus Interfaces {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_VER |
18186240 |
VIDWRD [#] ETEL Firmware Version (M72) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_SER |
14665061 |
VIDWRD [#] ETEL Seriennummer Version (M73) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_PMon |
0.0060000000 |
VDREAL [s] aktuelle Zyklusdauer Lageregelung (monitoring) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_RTyp |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Typ des zu lesenden Registers (K=0,M=1) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_RNmb |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Nummer des zu lesenden Registers (depth=0) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_RReg |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Semaphore für’s lesen von RNmb, wenn RNmb != RReg dann neu lesen {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_RLev |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Register-Ebene (depth) {elv+ELV} (w) |
elv_RVal |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Inhalt des Registers (-2147483647: ungueltig) {elv+ELV} (w) |
ew_Azm_EndPolarity |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Polarität Endschalter 0:heisst 1-aktiv, 1: heisst 0-aktiv {typ+azm+aZm} (wrp) |
ew_bAzm_type |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1,] Bremse: 0:ohne 1:mit einfacher 2:OpenCloseBremse {typ+azm+aZm} (wrp) |
ew_bAzm_to |
1.400000 |
VFREAL [0,1] Bremse: Zeit bis die Bremse offen ist {azm+aZm} (wrp) |
ew_bAzm_pwm |
-1 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse: Pwm-Bit-Muster {azm+aZm} (wrp) |
sw_bAzm_modus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Bremse::Modus {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
ab_sm_Azm |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] state {azm+aZm} (w) |
sw_AzmModus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Modus {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
iw_AzmStatus |
67141666 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Status {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
sw_bAzm |
0 |
VIDWRD [0,1..] Modus Regler {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
sw_Azm_smodus |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline modus {azm+aZm+biw} (w) |
iw_Azm_sstatus |
2049 |
VIDWRD [#] Spline status {azm+aZm+biw} (w) |
iw_Azm_stimtra |
311 |
VIWORD [#] Spline Timetrace Indexoffset (<0, kein gültiger Wert)(–>(ew_tjAzmRed+ew_taAzmLim)>3.0) {azm+aZm+biw} (r) |
sw_Azm_timtra |
182.4729988980 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Timetrace Wert für richtige Zeit {azm+aZm+biw} (r) |
iw_Azm_spl_t |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient Zeit {azm+aZm+biw} (r) |
iw_Azm_spl_b |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Spline Koeffizient b_0 {azm+aZm+biw} (r) |
fg_SwgAzm |
1 |
VIWORD [#] 0=Istwertübernahme in SWG, 1=Freigabe SWG {azm+aZm+swg} (w) |
sw_lAzm |
40.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Zielposition in Lageregelung {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
sw_vAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Sollgeschw. in Drehzahlregelung {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
sv_vAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung Lageregelung {azm+aZm} (w) |
iw_dAzm |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] InkrementalgeberÄnderung {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
iw_xAzm |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Inkrementalgeber {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
dw_pAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Lageabweichung {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
dw_vAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw.abweichung {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
dw_vbAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] begrenzte Geschw.abweichung {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
azm_Pos |
40.0022192383 |
VDREAL [°] IstPosition {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
azm_Spd |
-0.0114440918 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstGeschwindigkeit (ungefiltert) {azm+aZm+riw} (w) |
gw_vAzm |
-0.0117615298 |
VDREAL [°/s] IstGeschwindigkeit (gefiltert) {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
iw_pelAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition l {azm+riw} (w) |
iw_perAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Endschalterposition r {azm+riw} (w) |
bw_lAzm |
182.4729988980 |
VDREAL [°] SplinePosition {azm+aZm+biw} (w) |
bw_vAzm |
0.0066878265 |
VDREAL [°/s] SplineGeschwindigkeit {azm+aZm+biw} (w) |
bw_tdSwgAzm |
0.3099999998 |
VDREAL [s] SWG-bedingter Zeitverzug der Sollwerte {azm+aZm+swg} (w) |
rr_pAzm |
40.0022215087 |
VDREAL [°] Führungsgröße für Lageregelung {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
lw_pAzm |
40.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Sollwert begrenz auf SW-Endlagen(SWG) {azm+aZm+swg} (w) |
rr_vAzm |
-0.0114303331 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Vorsteuerung {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
lw_vAzm |
10.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {azm+aZm} (w) |
lw_aAzm |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s^2] Führungsgrößenbegrenzung {azm+aZm+swg} (w) |
sl_vAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {azm+aZm} (w) |
sl_svAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße von Lageregelung {azm+aZm} (w) |
st_vAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (m/s) {azm+aZm} (w) |
st_xAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [V] Geschw. Stellgröße zur HW (V) {azm+aZm+Azm} (w) |
ew_AzmCD |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [+-1] +/- 1: Achsen-Drehrichtung {azm+aZm+biw} (wrp) |
ew_sAzm |
5000.000000 |
VDREAL [#/°] Encoder-Skalierung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vAzm |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_svvAzm |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [NE/°/s] v-Stellgrößen-Skalierung (1 NE=10V Output) {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pdeltAzm |
0.030000 |
VFREAL [°] Lagedifferenzbildung für STAT_No_Differenze {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vdeltAzm |
0.020000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwind.differenzbildung für STAT_is_moving {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Azm_toref |
400.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Timeout Refernzierung {azm+aZm} (wrp) |
ew_pstartAzm |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [°] Start Sollwert {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_AzmOO |
-158.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p nach dem Referenzieren {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
iw_AzmOOX |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [°] Referenzierungsoffset p falls Refmark von Etel auf der falschen Seite {azm+aZm+epw} (w) |
ew_vRefAzm |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Referenzierung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vRefrAzm |
0.500000 |
VFREAL [%] Relativgeschwindigkeit beim Zurückfahren beim Referenzierung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_AzmIS |
2.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s] Geschwindigkeit bei der Handsteuerung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_AzmIA |
1.000000 |
VFREAL [°/s^2] Inching Full Speed Acceleration {azm+aZm} (wrp) |
ew_Azm_Refen |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung über Encoder=0, sonst Endschalter {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_Azm_Reflr |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Referenzierung links=0, sonst rechts {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_pAzmMax |
443.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler +Weg {azm+aZm+swg} (wrp) |
ew_pAzmMin |
-83.000000 |
VDREAL [°] SWG-Maximaler -Weg {azm+aZm+swg} (wrp) |
ew_tAzmEncoder |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Ist der Encoder normal (1) oder Multiindex (2) {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vAzmVec |
1.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Vorhalt {azm+aZm+swg} (wrp) |
ew_vAzmOfs |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [#] SWG-Geschw. Vector Offset {azm+aZm+swg} (wrp) |
fp_tAzm |
0.0050000000 |
VDREAL [s] Glättungsfilter Drehzahl. {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_vAzmMax |
10.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] max. Geschwindigkeit {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_aAzmMax |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s*s] SWG-Maximale BeEschleunigung {azm+aZm+swg} (wrp) |
ew_taAzmLim |
0.4000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Beschleunigungsrbegr. {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
ew_tjAzmRed |
0.2000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Ruckreduzierung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lAzmKP |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KP {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lAzmKI |
0.0050000000 |
VDREAL [1/s^2] Regler:KI {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_lAzmLIM |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vAzmKP |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1] Regler:KP {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vAzmKI |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Regler:KI {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
rp_vAzmLIM |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [°/s] Regler: I-Begrenzung {azm+aZm+epw} (wrp) |
is_pAzm |
6 |
VIWORD [0..] Status Etel {azm+AZM} (w) |
iw_pAzm |
1 |
VIWORD [0..] Istphase Etel {azm+AZM} (w) |
sw_pAzm |
1 |
VIWORD [0..] Sollphase Etel {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_cw0 |
1024 |
VIWORD [#] Control Word CW0 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_cw1 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Control Word CW1 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_sv1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar1 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_sv2 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar2 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_sv3 |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] SetVar3 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_sw0 |
15296 |
VIWORD [#] Status Word SW0 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_sw1 |
12288 |
VIWORD [#] Status Word SW1 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_mv1 |
-48331889 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar1 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_mv2 |
-196 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar2 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_mv3 |
8650766 |
VIDWRD [#] MonVar3 Etel (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_HMode |
10 |
VIWORD [0..27] Homing Modus (monitoring) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_HSpd |
2.0000267029 |
VDREAL [°/s] Homing Geschwindigkeit {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_EPIF |
147456000 |
VIDWRD [1/U] Encoder Position Increments Faktor {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_EPER |
18000 |
VIDWRD [nm] Encoder Periode {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_EIPF |
8 |
VIWORD [1..8192] Encoder Interpolations Faktor {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_SPCF |
1 |
VIWORD [1..256] User Set Point Calculation Faktor {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_ERES |
0.0087890625 |
VDREAL [arcsec] Theoretische Aufloesung des Encoders {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_STI |
166.6666666667 |
VDREAL [us] Slow Time Interrupt Zykluszeit [us] {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_upi1 |
409600.000000 |
VDREAL [1/°] Konversionsfaktor [°]->[upi] {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_usi1 |
17476.2666666667 |
VDREAL [s/°] Konversionsfaktor [°/s]->[usi] {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_uai1 |
745.6540444444 |
VDREAL [s^2/°] Konversionsfaktor [°/s^2]->[uai] {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_ErrCode |
85 |
VIWORD [#] Inhalt Fault Fehler-Register (M64) (-1: unknown) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_AlmCode |
3 |
VIWORD [#] Inhalt Alarm Fehler-Register (M66) (-1: unknown) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_NODE |
3 |
VIWORD [#] Slave Adresse des Profibus Interfaces {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_VER |
18186240 |
VIDWRD [#] ETEL Firmware Version (M72) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_SER |
15782670 |
VIDWRD [#] ETEL Seriennummer Version (M73) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_PMon |
0.0060000000 |
VDREAL [s] aktuelle Zyklusdauer Lageregelung {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_RTyp |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Typ des zu lesenden Registers (K=0,M=1) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_RNmb |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Nummer des zu lesenden Registers (depth=0) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_RReg |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Semaphore für’s lesen von RNmb, wenn RNmb != RReg dann neu lesen {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_RLev |
0 |
VIWORD [0…] Register-Ebene (depth) {azm+AZM} (w) |
azm_RVal |
0 |
VIDWRD [#] Inhalt des Registers (-2147483647: ungueltig) {azm+AZM} (w) |
ew_Gps_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Gps Type 1:HopfUhr >1: mit Höhe {typ+gps+tim} (wrp) |
ew_Clock_type |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Uhr Type (z.Z nicht benutzt) {typ+gps+tim} (wrp) |
ew_tExtPls |
1.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Periodendauer Sync-Impuls {gps+tim} (w) |
ew_tExtPlsHi |
0.2000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Pulslaenge Sync-Impuls (high aktiv) {gps+pls+tim} (w) |
ew_pExtRxTo |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout für UART Telegramm-Empfang {gps+tim} (wrp) |
ew_pExtGPSTO |
10000.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout für Einrasten, bis GPS synchronisiert ist {gps+tim} (wrp) |
iw_tExtX1 |
2009 |
VIWORD [#] Zeit externe Uhr: Jahre seit 0 {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtX2 |
12740757.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Zeit externe Uhr: Sekunden seit Jahresbeginn {gps+tim} (w) |
is_pExtTim |
3 |
VIDWRD [#] Status externe Uhr {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_pExtTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Istphase externe Uhr {gps+tim} (w) |
sw_pExtTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Sollphase externe Uhr {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtLong |
13.101666 |
VFREAL [°] Position Längengrad: -180…+180 (-:östlich,+:westlich) {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtLat |
52.404835 |
VFREAL [°] Pos. Breitengrad: -90..+90 (-:südlich,+:nördlich) {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtHeight |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [m] Geographische Höhe m über NN {gps+tim} (w) |
is_tExtPos |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] Positionswerte gueltig (=1), sonst 0 {gps+tim} (w) |
is_sync |
1 |
VIWORD [0,1] Zeit u. Puls sind GPS-synchron (=1), sonst 0 {gps+tim} (w) |
is_tExtLS |
0 |
VIWORD [s] aufgelaufene Schaltsekunden seit Systemstart {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtLChk |
12740758.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Schaltsekunden: {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tExtLOO |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Schaltsekunden: {gps+tim} (w) |
iw_tPassedTSOO |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Schaltsekunden: {gps+tim} (w) |
id_HopfX1 |
13 |
VIWORD [#] Firmware Rev. externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
id_HopfX2 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] noch: Firmware Rev. externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
id_HopfX3 |
29 |
VIWORD [#] Firmware Datum Tag externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
id_HopfX4 |
1 |
VIWORD [#] Firmware Datum Monat externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
id_HopfX5 |
4 |
VIWORD [#] Firmware Datum Jahr externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
id_HopfX6 |
6870 |
VIWORD [#] Devicetyp externe Uhr {gps} (w) |
is_pPls |
1 |
VIDWRD [#] Status des Pulsmessers {pls+tim} (w) |
is_pPlsQQ |
-1 |
VIWORD [#] FF-Ausgang des Pulsmessers {pls+tim} (w) |
iw_pPls |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Istphase Pulsmesser {pls+tim} (w) |
sw_pPls |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Sollphase Pulsmesser {pls+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimSS |
11703.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Sollwert Pulszeit {pls+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimTT |
11707.1440019263 |
VDREAL [s] hochgezaehlte ms {pls+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimTTO |
4.1150000000 |
VDREAL [s] Offset hochgezaehlte ms {pls+tim} (w) |
bw_tTimKK |
0.6514464365 |
VDREAL [s] Stellgröße des Uhrzeitreglers {pls+tim} (w) |
bw_tTimRR |
11703.9804512527 |
VDREAL [s] geregelte Uhrzeit: {pls+tim} (w) |
dw_tTim |
0.0005485138 |
VDREAL [s] Regelabweichung gesynchte Uhrzeit zu geregelter Zeit {pls+tim} (w) |
bw_tTaCC |
1.0000557104 |
VDREAL [s/s] Korrekturfaktor fuer Abtastzeit ta {pls+tes+tim} (w) |
fp_tTimKK |
0.9900000000 |
VDREAL [s] Historienfilter Zeit {pls+tim} (wrp) |
st_tTimSS |
0.6514769855 |
VDREAL [s] Ausgang Zeitregler {pls+tim} (w) |
rp_tTimKI |
0.0500000000 |
VDREAL [1/s] Integrationskonstante fuer Integrator {pls+tim} (wrp) |
rp_tTimKP |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [#] Integrator P-Anteil {pls+tim} (wrp) |
ew_tDiffMax |
0.5000000000 |
VDREAL [s] max. erlaubte Differenzzeit (Soll-Ist) {pls+tim} (wrp) |
ew_tDeltaCCMin |
30.000000 |
VDREAL [s] min. Zykluszeit fuer Bildung des ta Korrekturwertes {pls+tim} (wrp) |
iw_t_abtast |
0.0010000000 |
VDREAL [s] Abtastzeit des Realtimekernels {pls+tim} (r) |
ew_tofset |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [us] Manuelle Zusatzkorrektur von der geregelten Uhrzeit in [us] {pls+tim} (wrp) |
ew_pUartTTO |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout fuer gesendete Zeichen {gps} (wrp) |
ew_pUartRXT |
5.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout fuer Antworttelegramm {gps} (wrp) |
ew_pUartRXCT |
0.1000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Timeout fuer empfangenes Zeichen {gps} (wrp) |
is_pUart |
5 |
VIDWRD [#] UART status byte {gps} (w) |
sw_pUart |
0 |
VIDWRD [0..] UART Auftragsanforderung {gps} (w) |
is_pSysTim |
1 |
VIDWRD [0…] Status der Systemuhr {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
iw_pSysTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Istphase Systemuhr {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
sw_pSysTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Sollphase Systemuhr {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
time_diff |
0 |
VIWORD [s] Zeitdifferenz LT-GMT {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
iw_tSysX1 |
2009 |
VIWORD [#] Zeit Systemuhr: Jahre seit 0 {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
iw_tSysX2 |
12740761.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Zeit Systemuhr: Sek. seit Jahresbeginn {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
is_pTim |
289 |
VIDWRD [0…] Status der Softwareuhr {tes+tim} (w) |
iw_pTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Istphase Softwareuhr {tes+tim} (w) |
sw_pTim |
6 |
VIDWRD [0..] Sollphase Softwareuhr {tes+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimOO |
12729056.0039628223 |
VDREAL [s] Uhrzeit Offset auf geregelte Zeit {tes+tim} (w) |
bw_tTim |
12740762.5844823290 |
VDREAL [s] Ausgang Zeit der Software-Uhr {tes+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimYY |
2009 |
VIWORD [#] Jahr des Session-Startes {tes+tim} (w) |
zw_tTimX1 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Zwischenwert: Jahre seit X (X=0 oder X=1970 (POSIX)) ?? {tes+tim} (w) |
zw_tTimX2 |
12729149.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Zwischenwert: Sekunden seit Jahresbeginn {tes+tim} (w) |
qq_timeBase |
3 |
VIWORD [0..] 0:OFF, 1:TA, 2:CTA, 3:IMP {tes+tim} (w) |
sw_tSysX1 |
2009 |
VIWORD [#] Sollwert Jahreszahl zum Stellen der Systemuhr {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
sw_tSysX2 |
12739949.000000 |
VFREAL [s] Sollwert Uhrzeit zum Stellen der Systemuhr {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
ss_sSysTim |
0 |
VIWORD [0..] Semaphor zwischen TES und SysClk {tes+scl+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimTPLOO |
-0.6000000000 |
VDREAL [s] Offset für Softwarezeit von Tpl aus (UT1-UTC) {tes+tim} (w) |
iw_tTimTPLTAI |
32.000000 |
VDREAL [s] Offset für Softwarezeit von Tpl aus (TAI-UTC) {tes+tim} (w) |
iw_tYYOO |
1230768000.000000 |
VDREAL [s] POSIX Sekundenoffset bis zum Startup-Jahr (von Rtm gesetzt) {tes+tim} (w) |
ee_qRes |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Fehler/Quitierung-Reset Impuls fue alles {err+fnc} (w) |
ee_xRes |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] FehlerReset Alle {err+fnc} (w) |
ee_xAck |
0 |
VIWORD [0,1] Ackowledge FehlerReset {err} (r) |
ee_nRes |
0 |
VIWORD [1..] FehlerReset Nummer {err+fnc} (w) |
ee_nAck |
0 |
VIWORD [1..] Ackowledge FehlerReset Nummer {err} (r) |
ee_pnk |
0 |
VIWORD [1..] Fehlersystem PANIK ! {err} (r) |
ee_stp |
0 |
VIWORD [1..] Fehlersystem STOP ! {err} (r) |
ee_wrn |
1 |
VIWORD [1..] Fehlersystem WARNUNG ! {err} (r) |
ee_xSts00 |
4096 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits 0..15 {err} (w) |
ee_xSts01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits 16..31 {err} (w) |
ee_xSts02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits 32..47 {err} (w) |
ee_xSts03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits 48..63 {err} (w) |
ee_xSts04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits 64.. {err} (w) |
ee_xSts05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSts15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig00 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xSig15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem00 |
4096 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits zum Merken {err} (w) |
ee_xMem01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits zum Merken {err} (w) |
ee_xMem05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits zum Merken {err} (w) |
ee_xMem09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits zum Merken {err} (w) |
ee_xMem13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_xMem15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn00 |
4096 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mWrn15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Warnungen {err} (w) |
ee_mStp00 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mStp15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Stops {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk00 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk01 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk02 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk03 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk04 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk05 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk06 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk07 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk08 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk09 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk10 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk11 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk12 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk13 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk14 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
ee_mPnk15 |
0 |
VUDWRD [#] Fehlerbits Panik {err} (w) |
io_hwOk |
1 |
VUDWRD [#] HW-ausstattung OK {ios+hwv} (r) |
io_srcId0 |
34524 |
VUWORD [#] ID-Sercos-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_srcVer0 |
256 |
VUWORD [#] Version Sercos baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_srcPrt0 |
640 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse Sercos baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_srcId1 |
34524 |
VUWORD [#] ID-Sercos-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_srcVer1 |
256 |
VUWORD [#] Version Sercos baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_srcPrt1 |
256 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse Sercos baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_anaId |
33932 |
VUWORD [#] ID-Analog Inp. Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_anaVer |
4096 |
VUWORD [#] Version Analogbaugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_anaPrt |
928 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse Analog baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_dacId |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID Dac-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_dacVer |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DAC-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_dacPrt |
928 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DAC baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio0Id |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID DIO-0-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio0Ver |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DIO-0-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio0Prt |
832 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DIO-0 baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio1Id |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID DIO-1-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio1Ver |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DIO-1-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio1Prt |
848 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DIO-1 baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio2Id |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID DIO-2-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio2Ver |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DIO-2-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio2Prt |
864 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DIO-2 baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio3Id |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID DIO-3-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio3Ver |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DIO-3-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio3Prt |
768 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DIO-3 baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio4Id |
0 |
VUWORD [#] ID DIO-4-Baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio4Ver |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Version DIO-4-baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_bio4Prt |
784 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse DIO-4 baugruppe {hwv} (r) |
io_cubId |
34713 |
VUWORD [#] ID CU-Box-Basis {hwv} (r) |
io_cubVer |
514 |
VUWORD [#] Version CU-Box-Basis {hwv} (r) |
io_cubPrt |
816 |
VUWORD [#] Portadresse CU-Box {hwv} (r) |
io_FrcIO |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs Forcen EIN/Aus! {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_FrcDa |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Dac Forcemaske Bit0=DAC0 ! Bit=1–>Wert geforced {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
ew_iopio_cnt |
77 |
VUWORD [#] Anzahl IO-Ports {typ+ios} (wrp) |
io_Din_0 |
62463 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 0 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Din_1 |
287 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 16 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Din_2 |
274 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 32 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Din_3 |
64 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 48 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Din_4 |
1015 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 64 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Din_5 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Inputs Bit 80 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout0 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 0 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout1 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 16 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout2 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 32 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout3 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 48 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout4 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 64 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Dout5 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Output Bit 80 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout0 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 0 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout1 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 16 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout2 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 32 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout3 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 48 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout4 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 64 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Eout5 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Elektrischer Output wenn geforced Bit 80 .. {ios+bio} (w) |
io_Frc1_0 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 0 .. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc1_1 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 16.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc1_2 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 32.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc1_3 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 48.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc1_4 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 64.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc1_5 |
0 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 80.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_0 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 0 .. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_1 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 16.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_2 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 32.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_3 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 48.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_4 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 64.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
io_Frc0_5 |
65535 |
VUWORD [#] Outputs ForceMaske Bit 80.. {ios+bio+fnc} (w) |
ew_ioen_cnt |
4 |
VUWORD [#] Anzahl Encoder-Ports {typ+ios} (wrp) |
io_iEnc0 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 0 Incremente {ios+enc} (w) |
io_iEnc1 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 1 Incremente {ios+enc} (w) |
io_iEnc2 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 2 Incremente {ios+enc} (w) |
io_iEnc3 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 3 Incremente {ios+enc} (w) |
io_iEnc4 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 4 Incremente {ios+enc} (w) |
io_dEnc0 |
15083 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 0 Absolutwert {ios+enc} (w) |
io_dEnc1 |
-10183 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 1 Absolutwert {ios+enc} (w) |
io_dEnc2 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 2 Absolutwert {ios+enc} (w) |
io_dEnc3 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 3 Absolutwert {ios+enc} (w) |
io_dEnc4 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder 4 Absolutwert {ios+enc} (w) |
bb_xEnc0 |
150 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder0 Bug, max. Abtastdifferenz (Derot) {bug+der} (wrp) |
bb_xEnc1 |
50 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder1 Bug, max. Abtastdifferenz (Fokus) {bug+fok} (wrp) |
bb_xEnc2 |
150 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder2 Bug, max. Abtastdifferenz {bug+enc} (wrp) |
bb_xEnc3 |
150 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder3 Bug, max. Abtastdifferenz {bug+enc} (wrp) |
bb_xEnc4 |
150 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder4 Bug, max. Abtastdifferenz {bug+enc} (wrp) |
bb_cEnc0 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder0 BugZaehler (Derot) {bug+der} (w) |
bb_cEnc1 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder1 BugZaehler (Fokus) {bug+fok} (w) |
bb_cEnc2 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder2 BugZaehler {bug+enc} (w) |
bb_cEnc3 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder3 BugZaehler {bug+enc} (w) |
bb_cEnc4 |
0 |
VIWORD [#] Encoder4 BugZaehler {bug+enc} (w) |
ew_ioad_cnt |
8 |
VUWORD [#] Anzahl AD-Ports {typ+ios} (wrp) |
io_nAd_0 |
2.285156 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 0 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_1 |
4.433594 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 1 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_2 |
4.443359 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 2 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_3 |
0.009766 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 3 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_4 |
0.009766 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 4 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_5 |
0.004883 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 5 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_6 |
0.004883 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 6 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_7 |
0.009766 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 7 {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nAd_8 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog ADC 8 {ios+adc} (w) |
ew_ioda_cnt |
8 |
VUWORD [#] Anzahl DA-Ports {typ+ios} (wrp) |
io_nDa_0 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 0 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_1 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 1 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_2 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 2 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_3 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 3 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_4 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 4 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_5 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 5 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_6 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 6 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_7 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 7 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_nDa_8 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] Analog DAC 8 ruecklesen {ios+adc} (w) |
io_Fdac0 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC0 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac1 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC1 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac2 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC2 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac3 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC3 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac4 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC4 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac5 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC5 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac6 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC6 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac7 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC7 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
io_Fdac8 |
0.000000 |
VFREAL [V] DAC8 Forcewert {ios+dac+fnc} (w) |
tmp_xxxd1 |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxd2 |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxd3 |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxd4 |
0.000000 |
VDREAL [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxl1 |
0 |
VIDWRD [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxl2 |
0 |
VIDWRD [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxl3 |
0 |
VIDWRD [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |
tmp_xxxl4 |
0 |
VIDWRD [.] für’s Debuggen {Tmp} (w) |