On archive¶
- Debian 8.10
- postgresql 9.4
- java 1.8.0_111
On wifsip¶
- Debian 8.10
- java 1.8.0_111
On sky¶
- Debian 10.1
- java 11.0.4
- postgresql 11.5
On pera¶
- debian 8.11
- java 1.7.0_181
- postgresql 9.4
papaya Debian 7.11, pina Debian 8.11, tomato Debian 8.11, habanero Debian 8.11
SMART and RAID status monitoring from tomato¶
Download storcli from broadcom (on sky in /root)
- Download check_lsi_raid from Thomas Krenn (on sky in /root/check_lsi_raid)
- fix the bug from line 232 onwards
Install nrpe server ‘’apt install nagios-nrpe-server nagios-plugins-contrib libfile-which-perl megaraid-status smartmontools’‘
Get the /etc/nagios/nrpe_local.cfg from sky
in nrpe.cfg add as allowed
‘’visudo’’ ‘’nagios ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/’’ ‘’nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/storcli’‘
To find which disk IDs to use for smartctl do ‘’storcli /c0 /eall/sall show’’ there on sky for example is shown 33 for the first disk and the rest follow ‘’smartctl -H -d megaraid,33 /dev/sda’‘
edit /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ to include correct number “33+$i”